629 ResultsNewestSquad Battles: Sometimes kicks out of the gameWhile starting the Squad Battles match - the game might throw you from the app (game itself) right after the start and which will be counted as a play, while you have only 12 attempts overall.&n...Crash periodici Squad Battles: bug sulla telemetria?Puntualmente su 12 partite squad battles , due o tre vengono considerate perse perche il gioco crasha letteralmente. Ho eliminato qualunque app , software o antivirus prima della partite. Come si v...Squad battle keeps on crashing.Fifa 25 squad battle keeps on crashing. There us a new update everyweek, but none have addressed the issue. View results from repliesGame Crashes in FUT Play-Offs...enalty, and I lost 3 of my 5 champions play-off matches, before they even started. The issue does not occur when I play squad battles, or other game modes. People are right when they say that this i...game resets during game playi get random game resets on FC25. I was playing Squad battles and and kicks me out. Its frustrating because i lose the points. Im on Xbox Series X and no other game does this. FC 25 Squad Battles PS5 - game crashingDuring 4 out of 12 matches in Squad Battles my game crashed and i got penalized with 0 points. It's unacceptable to keep silent about this game bahaviour as it not na isolated issue! Devs p...Squad battle travando e fechando o jogoEstava a jogar squad battles e a vencer por 2-0, quando de repente acontece um erro com a aplicação do jogo e por consequente perco o jogo e os pontos! Torna-se cansativo acontecer isso e a EA n...SolvedView results from repliesNintendo switch FC25 closing due to software errorDuring squad battles particularly after scoring. The game crashes due to software error I have done all the relevant measures, check corrupted files, re-downloaded, clear cache etc. I know t...Getting kicked out from UT after every gamesGetting kicked out from UT after every games, happens in every game mode. since yesterday evening. Lost 3 rivals wins like that and 1 squad battles.Game Crash on Loading SquadAfter applying the Season Ladder Excellence EVO to a player, the application crashes whenever I open the squad screen or load it upon selecting a game in Squad Battles. Removing the player from t...