C&C Remastered Collection - Failure our end / Fehler unsererseits (App-Start)
Hello together, I have played the game "Command & Conquer Remastered Collection" since 2021 on my win10, Intel i5 Laptop. Since last week I get the failure message "Your game failed to launch - An error on our end caused your launch to fail. Try again a little later." / "Spiel konnte nicht gestartet werden - Aufgrund eines Fehlers unsererseits ist der Start fehlgeschlagen. Bitte versuche es später erneut.". I have tried already following steps without improvement. Please give me some additional advice! Kind regards from Germany/Bavaria/Regensburg Stefan A) Clear caches: 1) Clear caches on EA app : https://help.ea.com/en-gb/help/faq/clear-cache-to-fix-problems-with-your-games/ 2) Run C cleaner : https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/pc/how-to-use-ccleaner-to-fix-pc-issues/ 3) Delete AppRoaming Data B) Uninstall and Reinstall: Uninstall EA app 2) Reinstall EA app 3) Uninstall the Game C&C Remastered Reinstall C&C Remastered C) Disable Ingame-Overlay -EA Game App -> Options ->App -> Disable Ingame-Overlay D) Add additional launch options -REDALERT E) Firewall Options -All EA Games parts have the whole rights in windows defender F) Restart FritzBox7590SolvedHow do I copy my C&C RA saved-games from steam to my EA account?
I want to copy my C&C RA Remastered saved games from my steam account to my EA account; anybody know what type of file, & where I should be copying it to? My steam version quit working after about a year (failed to start/crashed when I tried to play it). I tried a variety of work-arounds to no avail. In exasperation, I bought a copy from EA for $4.99 - which also failed to work until I disabled the EA game overlay, & entered REDALERT into the properties of the start-up file (I think - or something like that). Anyway, the game works in the EA account & I want to copy my saved games over to finish...the last 2 missions of the allied campaign. Any suggestions? FYI, I did try a number of repairs for my Steam version that were recommended on steam forums, but got nowhere. Too-Many-AlertsMobile Version of C&C: Mobile Tiberium Wars
Hello developers! I am from Northern Europe, a fan from 90's of one of your humblest games that is called C&C: Tiberian San. Does anyone know if there be a version of the Tiberium Wars game on a mobile platform? What is currently called C&C:Rivals in Play Market is more of a children's version with a toy design. Perhaps, this is not what fans of 90's expected. I wonder if there are any plans to release a version of the C&C with GDI, NOD and Aliens, and maybe even other competitive sides on Android in the near future; for fans of Tiberian Sun from the 90s? Would it have the same atmosphere with the great music and modern graphics that a medium-power smartphone could handle? Kind regards, Val Northern Europe, FinlandTime for a new C&C Remaster
Hello EA Games and hello fellow C&C fans! The C&C Remastered Collection was a success for EA, both loved by gamers and also sold very well. Just this year C&C The Ultimate Collection went live on Steam and immediately got into the top 20 most popular steam titles where it held for like a month EA's surprise megadump of classic Command & Conquer games means Europe's March game sales were dominated by 25-year-old RTSes, beating WWE 2K24 and Nintendo (article by PC Gamer) It's been 4 years and complete radio silence from EA on the future of C&C as a real RTS game on PC and console, where the series belongs, no offense to mobile gamers. The demand for say a second remastered collection with Red Alert 2, Tiberian Sun or Generals or who knows maybe a completely new title is there and it's real. People on the C&C communities in Reddit and Facebook still ask about it regularly although they're beginning to doubt if we'll ever see something. The release of C&C Ultimate Collection on Steam this March and the huge success it was made fans hopeful that this actually means EA has not forgotten about the series and was planning to do something with it. The guys at Petroglyph and Lemon Sky who did the first remasters have said they're willing to do it again, the community wants it, the games sell well, what more is needed? We're eagerly awaiting to hear back from EA Games as we always have been throughout the years. This is the subreddit of C&C where thousands of us fans are active in discussing and sharing our love for our favorite series https://www.reddit.com/r/commandandconquer/ Special thanks to Jim Vessella(Jimtern) who has gone above and beyond for the C&C community through the years. Really appreciate all you did for C&C and we all wish you well wherever you are! Drop by the sub some time people would love to hear from you. Oh and next year will be the 30th anniversary of the Command and Conquer series, so maybe a good time to surprise fans with something nice. For now happy 29 C&C!