Hello my friend is getting banned for the 4th time
So I introduced my fried to Apex a few weeks ago and we started playing a lot, he got his account to around level 55 and his account got banned, EA says he is cheating but I'm sure he isn't. He uses a voice mod but I don't think that counts as cheating. After that he has made 3 separate accounts and is still getting banned after playing for 7~10 hours or so. Could somebody tell us why he keeps getting banned or how we can fix this?SolvedGifting? Or compensation?
I’ve been saving crafting metals for two years now, finally I saw an event I like (LUNAR REBIRTH). So I bought half with crafting metals, and the other half I was going to gift myself, since I have enough apex coins on my old account. ITS BEEN 29 DAYS NOW, STILL HAVENT FIXED GIFTING? ANY UPDATES? ITS ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT AND IM AFRAID I MIGHT HAVE WAISTED 2 YEARS WORTH OF CRAFTING METALS, EITHER IT GETS FIXED, PR I WANT SOME SORT OF COMPENSATIONPlease bring back the original Revenant skills
As someone who, unfortunately, always ends up being an outcast in most social settings, i Deeply connected with the Original Revenant. i connected with his silencer by the awkward silences i sometimes cast on others due to my social inexperience. i connected with his death totem by how i like to quickly "get in and out". groceries, errands, whatever... Get in, Get it, Get out. i connected with him as a whole because, just like his Season 4 trailer, when i'm focused on a goal i do my best to achieve that goal. Revenant, to me, was that outcast that was simply himself. self deprecating at times, but when you've been on your own for a seemingly unending amount of time you just embrace the solitude, and your unfiltered personality kind of rubs people the wrong way... and it's fine because they all get along the way you somehow can't for some reason anyway. Revenant was me. Especially with seeing how Respawn would Constantly kill him in their trailers, it would remind me of the times i'd be picked on and shot down. I thought, "don't worry, Revenant. if Respawn doesn't love you, i do. now let's go have a great game." He was Perfect to me. the only thing i ever wanted "changed" was an appropriate reduction of his hit box, and perhaps some form of speed / defence for a better way to escape like bangalore has. but it wasn't really much to complain about because when i turn on my Playstation and opened Apex Legends, i got to play my favourite Legend: Revenant. as of now, it's not just a loss of the skills that i loved, it also feels like a giant jab and reminder of how everyone wants to change me. "be like this, be like that"... i can't. i don't relate to any of you... not in a stuck up way, but i literally don't see the world the way you all do. i've always had my little world, that i would gladly share with anyone who was truly interested... but other than that, please don't try to change me. it took so long for me to like me, and i'd rather fine tune myself than do a whole rework. the new "Revenant", not only takes away from the Revenant experience, but it also draws a new feeling out of me towards Revenant... apathy. every time my Death Totem ultimate was ready, i'd be excited and plan accordingly on how to effectively execute this totem. whether it be placement, timing, reasoning; i was excited... i didn't like the update where i could destroy it, because occasionally when i was sent back to my totem, if i were returned first, i'd destroy it while my team was still fighting, and they'd be killed... i felt bad. i digress; now, with the rework, i'm not interested in dropping my ultimate... at all... so i barely use it. i don't even grab ultimate recharge packs like i used to. as for the jump that replaced the silencer, it can be helpful to catch up the squad if i was left behind, but i prefer to silence my enemies. up close or from afar; silence and push. Especially when coming in contact with a pesky wraith or vanishing mirage. i used to feel so involved in my game play, but now, especially if i'm not having a good game, i feel like a burden. i know the answer would be to just "pick another legend", but face it... no other legend is Revenant. Revenant is an Assault Legend. Revenant uses a silencer. Revenant has a death totem. Revenant wouldn't change himself to please anyone. Revenant was... and honestly still should be Revenant. Please bring back the original Revenant. This rework can be a new Legend if you like, but it just isn't Revenant. thank you. cheers :) [CM - Edited title for CAPS]27Views1like2CommentsLegends Coming back
I miss when the game had a lore and we received a new legend every season. It made the game fun and unique now it’s just a cash grab and they are changing things that don’t need to be changed. The game is getting worse. Just take rebuild the lore and return original characters to their selves upon launch. And stop nerfing recon legends into a grave. Especially Seer he’s useless now.Server Issue In Pakistan
I regularly play Apex Legends for 2-3 hours. I mostly play on the Frankfurt server because it’s somewhat playable, but it's not smooth. Most of the time, I face lag, packet loss, leggy characters, and a ping between 170 to 200. In Bahrain, the ping is around 100, but there are no players to match with because no one plays on the Bahrain server. The Singapore server has a ping of 130, but when a fight starts, I die instantly because the bullets don’t register. That’s why I prefer playing on Frankfurt, as it’s about 60% playable. My LAN connection is also fine, but the issue persists. Please, #ApexLegends, fix this issue and do something about the Bahrain server because we, Pakistanis, also play Apex Legends.Make assault class meta next season 🔥🔥💥
I’m so done with lifelines and mirages running all over the place with zero talents and op abilities. The only two classes that should be looked upon/ buffed are assault and recon classes solely because of the fact that they bring so much uniqueness in the game also so much fun to play in my opinion. I have been playing since launch and up to this date apex has only been for repositioning legends aka skirmish legends and up until recently they were only replaced because of the crazy support class buffs. So now we have had skirmish and support legends being dominant in the meta for a long time and it’s time for others to be THE APEX PREDATORS.