Bring back madden mobile 16
I believe it's in my best interests to say this. EA bring back madden mobile 16, because ever since madden mobile 22 the game has gone way down hill. Especially ever since ea tool the auction house which was the worst decision ever. Bring back the old promos and the grind it took to get these amazing cards like Richard sherman and odell beckham jr. In my opinion the main problems with madden mobile 25 are the lack of enjoyment while playing the game, cards can't be bought or sold in a auction house, the lackluster promos, and the crazy overalls. 1. Lack of enjoyment playing madden mobile. The lack of enjoyment while playing is extremely evident. For example no fun h2h gamemodes besides draft champions which is around once a month and lasts 2 days. Madden mobile 25 ratings prove this because the only thing generating money is the whales. EA this is a huge problem that you could easily fix in madden mobile 26. 2. The auction house, The auction house the staple of madden mobile 16 basically what made that game so fun. The glitchs and the overall crazy prices that came with some of these cards. But that is not the case with madden mobile 22 through 25. No because their isn't even an auction house. Know the madden mobile community has to beg ea to bring back but that's just in vain of course. The auction is the back bone of madden mobile it's what makes it such a good video game. What makes me really mad is seeing how fc mobile has ab auction house but madden mobile doesn't. Ea I know you have the code to do it so please do it for the community bring back the auction house. 3. Lackluster promos, lackluster promos are non holiday/superbowl promos. These promos are like madden mobile 13 social promos they provide nothing. Their was no playoffs promo, that's what the community wanted. The worst of the is when madden mobile comes to a end and ea adds filler promos, examples come from madden mobile 24, legends, G.O.A.T, movers, domination, and mission mut. These are all pure filler which can easily become something to enjoy but ea just needs to make them enjoyable. 4. Crazy high/unnecessary overalls. What most would say also ruined madden mobile is the overalls skyrocketing. Ea take a page out of the actual madden and look how your doing your overalls their. With madden mobile 16 their was no crazy overalls besides the +5 awr boosts on cards that made it crazy. Ea just remove it in madden mobile 26 and make it a better game going forward. Conclusion, Ea if you actually took you time to read this please actually listen for once and bring back madden mobile 16. But if it were up to me if I could only bring back one thing from madden mobile 16 it would be the auction house. To EAs madden mobile team.33Views1like0CommentsIn game communication
I think the game would really benefit from better in game communication. One of the things with other games that keep players engaged is communication with other players and especially between league members. Currently the only way to communicate is a blanket statement to the entire league or a lot of leagues require other apps like discord. I think a way to directly communicate with other players would be very helpful and would increase interest in the game.45Views0likes0CommentsQB TRIP OVER FB AFTER SNAP
You would think all the money you * from players would actually go to making the game better but I guess not. Yall need to sincerely consider a “new gaming engine” for madden mobile. A complete joke. Nobody blocks, receivers dropping wide open passes. Hell I could implement a better engine software than what yall haven’t done. Yall choose want yall want to fix when it’s convenient for you not for the players. Dead end road.146Views0likes1CommentMadden Mobile 16 Comeback
just generally curious on why EA won’t even entertain the idea of bringing back Madden Mobile 16/17? if they check any single comment section on any platform, they would clearly see that they have lost so many players because they over-complicated the game. Instagram, TikTok, twitter, YouTube, Reddit, etc. are all FULL of videos and flashbacks of that game, with tens of thousands of people dying for this game to come back. Fortnite did this and has been EXTREMELY profitable, so it’s not like they don’t think it could work. One last time, EA. It’s so easy: auction house, live events, sets, season mode, overalls capped at 99, and none of this “arm gear, leg gear” weird accessories that don’t really matter. All I’m saying is bringing back MM16-17 would be the biggest move in EA history. Hundreds of thousands of people returning to play, all from one simple fix. You’re making it a lot harder than it needs to be.140Views0likes0CommentsMake your own plays
Game Suggestion: Create your own plays for Madden Mobile, This could bring out creativity for those who play madden mobile and make the game better. This could make the game yet so annoying and difficult. But yet so fun So if Madden Mobile Devs can put in a system to make plays on madden mobile on offense and defense with custom formations. It would be great examples of how can this be used include but do not limit to: Making a QB Sneak Play or a Punt return play where everyone is in front of the returner or FG block play where everyone is on the line. This could make madden mobile very good. Thank You For Reading155Views0likes0CommentsMadden Moblie Review
Hi, I just want and share some thoughts about the Madden Mobile app and offer some suggestions of things I'd like to see fixed before next year's addition. I'm very disappointed that there has been no changes to Madden Mobile from last year. I was hoping for some changes to be made to make the game better. Madden didn't bring back the trade with other people playing the game through the auction option and I was hoping it would be back. That is one nice thing that I love about the NBA and FC games that I would have liked EA to bring back to Madden. The career mode still sucks and needs to be fixed. The players overall ratings are not accurate at all. I would also like to see the career mode have more to it as well, but the main thing is the players ratings. The Team of the Week is also so bias when it comes to selecting players, like week 11 Bo Nix should have been selected over Jared Goff since Goff was already part of a team of the week earlier this season. Team of the Week also only gives gamers 4 option each week of players instead of 3 to 4 players from both the AFC & NFC who played well that week like how the NFL does it each week. Like for example, it would next to have an offensive, defensive, and special teams players of the week from both AFC and NFC. I would also like to see a offensive and defensive Rookie of the Week option as well for us like the Team of the Week. I'll still play the game but Madden Mobile is at a new low and I hope you will take these suggestions to heart and use them to upgrade the game either this year or next.206Views0likes0CommentsBring Back Madden Mobile 16
I am disappointed in the responses of EA, who doesn't seem to take the suggestions of the community members of Madden Mobile. The community has made it clear on many different platforms that they wanted the old Madden Mobile back, similar to Madden Mobile 2016 however, EA does not seem to care and continues to ignore the community and not listen to those suggestions. I love some of the content in Madden Mobile 2023 however, that doesn't mean that I don't want it to be improved through old mechanics that I loved in older versions of madden mobile. The things I love about madden mobile 2023 are that the graphics are a huge improvement from older versions, They have improved the overall gameplay of Madden Mobile making it much more intuitive and having better mechanics than the old versions. For starters, what I dislike about the game is the card art is not as unique as the old games. I enjoyed the cool card art in the old games it felt like they took way more time and effort into them. I felt like they put so much more passion into the card art, but now it looks like they put a lot less of that passion into it. Another thing I dislike in madden mobile 2023 is that they completely changed the card pack system. In the older versions, it was way more enjoyable to open a card pack because you would get seven cards and have a chance of getting a great card which felt awesome. It was like opening a Pokémon card pack which is super amazing, I loved the pro packs in the older versions. Now it costs way more for card packs and you get less out of them which feels diminishing, I think that having more cards out of packs was awesome, and having a chance to get a really good card was fun, now it is a lot worse. Imagine getting one card out of a Pokémon card pack no one would buy Pokémon card packs if that were the case. I don't care that EA decided to put more stuff that costs money I'm fine with that but please add the old pro pack system I enjoyed it so much. A huge problem I have with this new Madden mobile is that it seems like they are putting way less effort into the events they just feel like they are copying old events and just changing the name instead of making something cool and new. A huge suggestion I have for EA is to please add a feedback tab in Madden mobile that way we can give feedback actually in the game and not on this website. Also please EA listen to the community we care for this game and want it to improve. Another issue with the game is the overalls I don't like this new system or the training because now it isn't as fun to get a really good card towards the beginning of the game because later in the game that card will become a lot worse because overalls keep increasing as the year goes on so it ruins cards from early in the game. I liked the old 99 overall system and I think most of the community does also It set the bar for the game which was fun, there needs to be a cap on overall otherwise the game doesn't make as much sense. This new overall system really confuses new players and can also make them not want to play the game, I remember in the old games I loved golden tickets I once got a 99 ronde barber golden ticket from a random pro pack and that felt amazing but now since there is no cap whenever I get an iconic player it doesn't feel as good. The new overall system diminishes the fun of the game I no longer get excited when I get high overalls because the overalls just increase every event, it doesn't feel as rewarding as the old games did. One thing I do like is the leagues I think EA did a good job with that except for the rewarding system for completing achievements in the league, it kind of feels bland and not rewarding enough. The H2H is also a lot better than older Madden mobiles so that is a plus on the team. Another issue with the game is the sets they are so much worse than the older Maddens I loved the old collection of trophies like the elite trophies and the gold trophies they were really fun and I'm not too sure why they got rid of them. The sets used to be much more rewarding and more enjoyable in the old Maddens you used to get all these different collectibles that you would use to complete a set and that was fun to me know it's all currency which kind of makes it a lot more confusing. The old sets were also very unique and interesting now it just feels like a load of money systems instead. I liked having collectibles for sets because you could get rare collectibles that were more useful and granted you better rewards but now you can't get any collectibles which feels a lot less rewarding and less enjoyable. While I understand that having collectibles was messy it made the game kind of fun because now it's all automatic but in the past, you would put each collectible in individually which is sometimes better because it was like when you are slowly ripping open a card pack and spreading the cards on the table to flip one over at a time it's just really fun. My final complaint that I have already read the forums and EA Blueberry was saying that the team won't be adding is the auction house, which deeply disappoints me that the team doesn't seem to listen to the Madden mobile community about. A lot of people left Madden mobile over the auction yet EA still doesn't seem to care even though the auction house is still on Madden on the consoles and pc. I just don't understand why they wanted to get rid of the auction house I'm not sure if they are making more money after they got rid of it, I think the entire Madden mobiles community loved it including myself. I used to sell cards all the time and it felt like real life when you trade a Pokémon card or a sports card to one of your friends and they would give you another card in return. Even if they aren't fine with the auction house system why haven't they implemented at the least a trading system where you can trade cards between people that would at least bring more people back because then it would feel more like a trading card game and more like real life. I used to love auctioning cards and buying pro packs even though it didn't always reward me it was still loads of fun but for some reason, EA doesn't seem to care about people enjoying madden mobile. I am a diehard fan of this game and just want to see it improve please EA listen to what I have said and implement some of these ideas back into the new season for the community of Madden Mobile.2.5KViews2likes4Comments