T66 Graphics
Hey guys, The graphics seem off a bit on the new server T66. When you zoom in, the text for camps, OPs and bases glitches...you can only see a few of the letters/numbers. Also, when you zoom out, the text for bases goes black. I did refresh a few times with no luck. I checked other servers to see if it was an issue with my display or graphics card, but other servers seem fine. Other players in global chat mentioned the same issue. Zoomed in: https://prnt.sc/SwYFe_M3hJjV Zoomed out: https://prnt.sc/jMBtmSpnhwOl Thank you!Fehlende Authentifizierungscodes
Moin zusammen, heute wollte ich per SMS einen Authentifizierungscode erhalten, um mich einzuloggen. Raufgedrückt wie immer und nichts passierte... scheinbar. Grund genug um mal wieder über zwei berühmt berüchtigte Buchstaben zu fluchen - dachte ich zumindest. Doch dann schaute ich im Spam nach und siehe da, dort war die SMS mit dem Code. Hintergrund: EA versendet die SMS nicht immer von der gleichen Nummer aus, sondern von scheinbar random-Absende-Nummern, damit es für mögliche Angreifer schwieriger wird, diese SMS abzufangen. Für viele bekannt, aber für ein paar dann vielleicht doch nicht. Es grüßt Das Tagebuch3 Jahrzehnte C&C !
Hallo ich hab schon zu win98 mit C&c gezockt, und mir erst 3 weitere einzel versionen und später die ultimate edition gekauft. leider ist mir der zugang zu meinem ersten Origin -Acc verloren gegangen. und somit wieeder alle spiele . inzwischen fehlt mir C&C wiedermal arg. aber ein 4.mal bezahl ich nicht für die selbe reihe spiele leider...Stuck on "Attack in progress" error after September 18
Hey folks, We've seen several reports of accounts stuck with the "Attack in progress" message displayed, across multiple worlds. This has been passed along to the team though it may take a little additional time to address. Thanks for the patience while we're taking a look!Solved1.7KViews10likes148Comments25.1 (PTE) Scripts issues LAB
Hi guys! Let's discuss here about scripts problems you are experiencing with Server Version 25.1 (now on PTE). I found an issue with TA_Shockr_Tools_Basescanner_Mailversion_reMod.user.js maybe due to a change to the menubar object. Already patched the script, it should work with version 2.9.2 (on both 24.1 and 25.1) Need testing. TA_Shockr_Tools_Basescanner_Mailversion_reMod 2.9.2 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/netquik/CnCTA-SoO-SCRIPT-PACK/Testing/TA_Shockr_Tools_Basescanner_Mailversion_reMod.user.js I also received one report about TA_BaseShare.user.js not working It is not possible to see inside the bases if they are out of range. Normally with baseshare other players that also have the script makes it possible to see inside the base. Need further investigation. ThanksScrolling around the map
Hi all. I am running the game on my android tablet, using Firefox and scripts via Tamper Monkey, the game is running fine except I cannot scroll around the map or zoom in and out. So I can only see what's immediately around me! Is there a script or shortcut I am missing to do this, I can only make small jumps, if lots of other bases around me it means I cant move anywhere unless free space that's very close? Thank you 😊Solvedneed better notification before destructive operations
Relocation. You have to agree to the terms of relocation but you never actually notified in text to which sector you are going to relocate. This needs to be done with the confirmation checkbox or something to make sure the cat didn't run on the keyboard and caused the relocation to happen to another sector. I am sure relocating to wrong sector happens relatively a lot even to people which played the game for years. Kicking someone from the alliance. You get a message to confirm that you are about to kick a player, but not who do you kick. again the cat might have decided for you without your notice. Leaving an alliance. so you play two worlds and you want to leave an alliance on one of them, you have two windows open one on each world, you click to leave and oooooooooooops you were on the wrong window and left the wrong alliance. Again a notification on which alliance you are leaving will be great. All seem to me as easy textual changes which should not cost too much to implement.... Another option which might be better is an option to undo in a small time window, but that most likely will be harder to do. And while not exactly related, it is a non obvious **bleep** to send mail to new people after you composed a mail to others and decided not to send. Maybe "clear mail" option in the mail composing screen will help, as it is now if you started to write a mail to the alliance it is a **bleep** to remove people manually.Bug attack issue!!!!! HELP
Bug attack issue .... who can solve it? I cant attack cant simulate bases tryied clear history dont work.... tryed different browser or same browser in incognito mode... Tryed reinstalling browser Tryed disabling/enabling or reinstalling scripts :( world Tiberian 65 Thejudge8654