Uploaded to drive and lost all my progress
Platform: Mac Mods or cc: No Game version: Splurged and bought some new packs. To spare my Mac I uploaded stuff to iCloud and surprise ... the sims file went along. Now when I launch the game it starts all over :((( I've downloaded the file from iCloud which did nothing. How can I troubleshoot this or is there nothing to be done? What else can I do? I haven't launched the game, exited main page without started playing. Also is the file correctly named? It's under Applications -> EA Games -> Electronic Arts -> The sims 4 (and from what I can tell here are all my save files)SolvedSims 4 Unable to Start
I recently had to clear a bunch of files from my computer, and that included the EA app and The Sims 4. Tried to reinstall it today and the game is unable to update or start because I don't have the base game. The EA app isn't giving me the option to reinstall the base game, either, so it seems that I have hit a wall and can't play :(. Please let me know what I can do about this.