The possible revival of plants vs zombies GW2
EA_ShepardI know it’s been a while since you have touched on the topic I and everyone else wants to know how it’s going getting a green light for an upcoming update for the game. PS I would like to see what you guys can do with to torch wood and hover goat variants. kind regards JoshНе можем с другом зайти друг к другу в лобби на европейском сервере.
При попытке зайти друг к другу в лобби на европейском сервере появляется ошибка "OH NO! There was a problem accepting the invite to the game session." При этом при переключении на азиатский сервер заходим без проблем, но появляется высокий пинг. Можно ли как-то решить эту проблему? УТОЧНЕНИЕ: проблема именно не в попытке зайти в многопользовательскую игре, а именно в приватное лобби.Problemas com EA anticheat
EA AntiCheat fechando Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville sem motivo Descrição: Estou enfrentando um problema com o EA AntiCheat ao tentar jogar Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville. O jogo não abre porque o anti-cheat acusa que há uma trapaça ativa, mesmo sem nenhum programa suspeito rodando. Em seguida, ele fecha o jogo automaticamente. Tentei jogar duas vezes: primeiro no Windows 10 e agora no Windows 11, e o problema persiste. Já realizei várias tentativas de solução, incluindo: Atualizar e reparar tanto o EA AntiCheat quanto o jogo Desinstalar aplicativos que poderiam estar causando conflito Reiniciar o PC várias vezes Ainda assim, continuo sem conseguir jogar. Poderiam me ajudar a resolver isso? Gostaria muito de jogar, mas esse erro tem atrapalhado minha experiência.Update GW 2
Pvz gw 2 has such good potential to make the closest come back ever!!! EA, how can you not see that people want a new update, people on public networks are getting thousands and thousands of views by making content about the game even though it has not received an update for years. Numbers dont lie.pvz
Plants vs. Zombies is a legendary IP. I hope to make good use of it to create a metaverse like Fortnite. There can be a strategic guard gameplay of primitive Plants vs. Zombies, and it can also be played like Garden War, and open a creative workshop for players to design maps. Hope to adopt it. I hope Plants vs. Zombies will be better and better.Plants vs Zombies GW2 Issue (Party)
Hey, me and my friend wanted to play together in Plants vs Zombies GW2 but always i tried to invited my friend it said it has a problem to connect... so we tried everything but nothing really changed. we tried the multiplayer portal and it went flawlessly. But if i try to invited my friend it doesnt worked... we wanted to play Garden Ops but it didnt worked... I hope someone can help me and my friend cause we love this game so muchh. <3