Rush is stupid, or at least the players are.
Why is it that 90% or rush players are absolute imbeciles who think they are going to skill their way past 4 people? Honestly it's just plain embarrassing to any of the players that do it, they just look stupid. Add in the fact that most people don't seem to understand anything about defending, creating space, or where to stand to actually receive a pass, and it just becomes a burden trying to get any challenges done. Don't get me wrong I would never claim to be the best at it, I'm maybe slightly above average at best, but it's shockingly painful how bad the majority of players are. EA need a serious rethink when it comes to this sort of game mode. At this rate I would prefer they just make a mode that is 1v1 with ai goalkeepers, it makes more sense than sticking us with all the idiots that we get. I'm literally on it just for rewards, which essentially makes it bad for the game. It's not an enjoyable mode, and if I wanted to play with other people like that I would play pro clubs. Again it's just another thing they have stuck in the game for that player retention statistic. Add more objectives, people don't want to miss out on rewards, people get stuck playing a game mode that is full of idiots making any challenges laborious and annoying to do.24Views0likes2CommentsAPPELLO AL PERSONALE EA
qualcuno si degni di rispondere a noi che stiamo aspettando l'aggiornamento del mercato invernale(completo e non come avete fatto la scorsa settimana che avete aggiornato le rose a metà)per la carriera(ovviamente come ogni anno si pensa solo ad Ultimate team) quanto possiamo aspettare ancora per avere le rose completamente aggiornate?16Views0likes1Comment- 15Views0likes0Comments
Bug en los puntos de Rush "Termina a lo Grande"
Estuvimos jugando con un amigo al modo "Termina a lo Grande" en Rush ya que tiene un multiplicador de x2.0 en los puntos. Resultado del primer partido a mi amigo le dio alrededor de 1500p y a mi unos 3650p (primer caso raro ya que completamos los mismos objetivos), pensamos que quizás era un error y jugamos otro partido prestando mas atención a la activación de los bonus. Segundo partido: activamos los 5 bonus siendo el primero el x2, el segundo un bono de 150p x gol, y luego dos que daban 600p y uno de 700p. Al finalizar el partido no solo en la descripción de bonus solo reflejaba 700p sino que tampoco contabilizó el x2 dándonos únicamente 3150p (500p por partido perdido, 700p de un bonus + 1500p de jugar con un amigo + 450p x 3 goles) Tercer partido: Por fin apareció el x2, dándonos alrededor de 7000p pero al mirar nuevamente también nos habían dado únicamente un solo bonus de 700p en vez de los tres bonus de puntos que habíamos desbloqueado. Cuarto partido: Nuevamente no contabilizó el x2 y decidimos dejar de jugar También entre medio de esos partidos jugamos uno en el otro modo y contabilizó todos los bonus correctamente pero da menos puntos al no tener la opción del x2. A alguien mas le pasó esto o solo a nosotros?