Can we please...
Some of my thoughts based on my first year of playing this game as a dolphin: In Shipments: Weekly shipments, why do I see all the characters here that are already maxed out? Why would I spend 800-2800+ crystals for character shards on a maxed out character? can we get rid of this clutter please? Just really clogs up what is already a very clogged up section even more. Episode shipments, same thing here, why are you trying to sell me character shards for characters that are already maxed? lets tidy this up shall we? Cantina battle: again ... maxed character shards & honestly very little else. I would REALLY appreciate more things to do with Cantina points besides just buying ship building materials with them (which honestly feels like a waste of the points imo). These parts are quite rare & I would like to see them used for something more productive like helping us out with relic levels, kyro crunch, G12 mats, basically a lot of the stuff we see in the episode shipments. With the character shards reserved for cantina characters like the great mothers or stap as 2 examples of newer characters that should be rotated in eventually. Guild activity, again... maxed out character shards that just clutter up the interface for no reason. the shipments here are at least locked so you can't waste currency on a mis-click, but why just this odd bandaid? why not just give us the option to hide them altogether please?. I also feel like a lot of stuff in this sections prices are ... ambitious (to be kind) & should be reviewed. For example, 200 Mk 1s for 10 character shards, great value. 4500-4525 for 125 mats ... not so much. These should only be 1625 max imo. I feel all the MK2 & Mk3 stuff is wildly overpriced. Guild tokens aren't bad, a few overpriced materials (840 for 20...), but otherwise ok. Squad arena, nothing but prestige to buy here. The credits are wildly overpriced & everything else is just maxed out character shards that we have no reason to purchase. The handful of mats on offer are mediocre at best. I feel like this is another wasted/neglected section much like Cantina is. We should be able to buy newer 'normal' character shards as they are rotated into the game with the older maxed out ones hidden, so the interface isn't so cluttered. Galactic war, this is honestly the only place I want to see maxed out character & ship shards, so I can convert this into shards for the shard shop. Ultimately tho, I feel like this is yet more bloat that we don't need to see. If we're just going to convert everything we get into shard shop currency, why not just give us the shard shop currency directly & be done with it?. Once you have everything from this section, the entire point of galactic wars becomes moot. Its just something you 1 button sim & I feel these extra steps of converting galactic tokens into ship tokens into shard shop tokens ... is frankly a bit silly. We can do better!, we have the technology =) Mods, everything is absurdly overpriced. I understand that this is more of a end game thing for people with everything maxed out to gamble on improving their characters in minute ways, but it sure would be nice to participate once in awhile if we see specific things that would help us without feeling like we got ripped off. Fleet arena, again, pointless maxed out shards for characters & ships that we already have. hide all of this please & rotate newer stuff in that we don't have. We should eventually be able to see most normal characters here, like marrok, shin, visas, huyang, etc etc. give us something to do with these points besides just spend them on overpriced zetas please. Guild events, a lot of stuff is ok here, but I feel strongly that the all the character & ship shard prices are pretty absurd. None of this currency is terribly common, there should be more value. Minus the 400 Mk1 shards for 10 character shards; but the 1350, 1750, 2125, 2700, 3800 ... c'mon, you're just being silly at this point imo. I think all of those could be reduced by a magnitude or several. Also, more maxed out characters / ships cluttering the UI for no reason. These should be here. Let's tidy these up too please =) Grand arena, only a few small notes really. the prices aren't bad for some things, some of the g12 mats are a tiny bit stingy, I feel like if earned more points overall, this would alleviate some of those feelings (especially for the lower ranks to incentivize & help people to get into it more). I'd also like to see the stock freshened up a bit. Maybe more relic mats here please? Shard shop, all the maxed out stuff here? again, no reason to be here, its all locked too!. Let's tidy these up & declutter the interface a lot, so we can actually find stuff we want to buy. I'd like to see more ships & special characters rotated into this section much like we have grievous & vader & all the capitol ships. Why not let us buy like master qui-gon, or death/night trooper shards here? or star fortress, emp shuttle, comeuppance, tie echelon, etc for ship shards? like the point of shard shop currency is like a pity system (imo) you get a bunch of doubles that you don't need, which eventually leads to you being able to buy something you DO need ... except y'all aren't holding up your end of the deal hehe, cause no new stock ever gets rotated in (or is entirely too slow to be rotated in. I'm sure some updates had to have happened at some point right?....right? hehe) Conquest, don't have a lot of notes here. Except to say the 475 for 5 shards feels bad. Why not keep it at 10? that currency is super rare, it's not like we get much of it & it just artificially drags out the wait time for new content, which is honestly this games biggest issue. No one should have to wait literal years to do something in any game. Events: It's nice to see you update this section a bit & breathe some life into the game. More of this please. Really the entire point of this post! - keep doing more of what you did here in this section .. just in all the other sections too lol. I do have a couple of nitpicks tho ... like Stuff that is maxed out, such as the fleet mastery events (or maxed out characters especially!), these events should be hidden by default once you're done, you're done!. There is no reason for these to clutter up the interface any longer. We never need to click on them, so why have them there? seems extremely unnecessary. Galactic legend events can I see both sides, so I'd like to have the option to hide them if we choose & not just have them hidden by default. So you can see what you need to work on in order to do the events you're missing...but once you know, there's really very little reason to have them clutter up this interface as well. Finally, I'd like to be able to see more info in the event section for upcoming events (the grey'd out events). Let me see what the required units are so I know what to work on to maximize my rewards from these events. Seeing the rewards is nice & all, but it would be more helpful if we could see what is required to earn said rewards hehe. Guild Raids & Events Much like in the events section, I would like to be able to see more info about what is required for each raid / event. The characters, ships, relic levels, all that good stuff. STORE: Again, why are you trying to sell me stuff that is already maxed out .. & this time for crystals? That just seems shady imo. There is absolutely zero reason why ANYTHING that we have MAXED out should be shown to us in this section for sale. examples are the fleet ships, character shards, squadron packs etc. This goes for the constant spam of pop-ups that are constantly trying to sell me packs of stuff that I already own! Lastly, the materials ... why are they all so absurdly priced? I understand this is whale bait, but isn't the whole reason you put stuff here, is for us to give you real money for it? so why not make them more affordable & get more of us to willingly give you money. I know I'm a dolphin myself. I will spend money almost exclusively on LSBs & that's it though. I feel like I get value for my dollar there & this is how I choose to support a game I enjoy. There are months when I would like to support you more, but I feel like you take advantage of me with your prices & this in turn sours the entire experience & makes me want to give you less money in the future. The episode pass at $30 (CAD) per month is too much. That's literally two triple A MMO monthly subs for quite frankly not very much in return. Certainly far less than what I would get for subbing to a triple A MMO for 2 months, or if I bought multiple DLC for a game. Again, I would like to support you, but not if you're mugging me in the process. Especially when you factor in the Conquest pass on top of this, which even at the base level is another 13.99 (CAD) bringing the total to $45 per month on top of anything else you might need such as calendars, or LSBs, material packs, etc. Like we enjoy the game, but it shouldn't cost 100s of dollars either. I know I don't have to buy anything, but then the game literally becomes unbearably slow, with team advancement taking literally multiple years to complete. No one has time for this. There is way too much competition for our time these days. What I'm trying to say in a long winded way is, help us help you. Make things more affordable & more people would give you money, which in turn would boost your overall profits, because far more people would take advantage of what you have for sale, vs only a tiny amount of whales that can afford it. Thanks for coming to my TED talk based on my first year playing this game. Please don't yell at me =)365Views3likes12CommentsAsajj Ventress's Ginivex-class Starfighter
Asajj Ventress's Ginivex-class Starfighter Dark Side, Support, Separatist, Unaligned Force User Crew: Captain: Asajj Ventress Skill: Don't Follow That Ship: Asajj Ventress's Ginivex-class Starfighter has 100% counter chance. Whenever a Separatist ally uses a basic attack, Asajj Ventress's Ginivex-class Starfighter assists. If this attack critically hits the apply Breach to target enemy. Ship Skills: Primary Laser Cannons: Deal Physical damage to target enemy. When this attack is successful attack again, X4 max. If this attack critically hits, gain Foresight. This is no Droid Pilot: All allies gain Speed Up and Protection Up for 2 Turns. All Droid Separatist allies gain Critical Chance Up and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. Wait, What's That: When Entering the Battle as a Reinforcement, Asajj Ventress's Ginivex-class Starfighter gains Advantage, attacks target enemy, dispels all Buffs and applies Buff Immunity on enemy target for 1 turn. All allies recover 30% Health and 20% Protection, and gain 10% Turn Meter. Turn Meter gain also applied to allied Capital Ship.32Views0likes0CommentsMy suggestions for the game.
Can EA add more characters and ships to the game specifically separatists. The separatists army is my favorite faction in Star wars and it is an under rated faction. They could add the munificent class ship or the Providence class. They can add more droids like the commando droid or the droid commander. They could even add the tactical droid. They should add the Republic gunship as well. They should also add durge and seripas. Also they should create more ways to upgrade characters so players can still focus on making their favorite characters the most powerful in their collection.37Views0likes1CommentShip idea: M-class fighter aka Rebel M-wing
Name: M-class fighter Affiliation: Light Side, Tank Tags: Rebel Crew: Captain Han Solo (Pilot), Rebel Officer Leia Organa The M-class fighter was a ship used by the Rebel Alliance around 3 ABY. It featured two heavy laser cannons, tow cables and could fit 2 crew members, one pilot and the other who operated the navigation equipment and secondary systems. It was similar in appearance to the Y-Wing but had three thruster rockets (which had been salvaged from wrecked Y-Wings) and was colored green. Whilst the Rebels were stationed on Hoth, Han and Leia piloted one delivering supplies to Rebel base only to crash due to a snowstorm. Both Captain Han Solo and Rebel Officer Leia Organa would be perfect as the pilots for the ship.219Views0likes1CommentB-Wing for next Conquest, please!
Please bring us the Blade Wing from Rebels (or B-Wing from the original trilogy), and make it, along with Profundity, more fearsome and powerful than Punishing One w/ Executor! The original Hera Syndulla + Sabine Wren should be the pilots, which means bumping them from the Ghost (Gen. Syndulla can be captain) and the Phantom, but that’s no big deal.. that would match the Rebels episode ‘Wings of the Master’ or just create a Rebel pilot for it and make it look like the one from the original trilogy.. in any case, it has to be the most powerful fighter, and especially an Empire/Bounty Hunter killer! thank you37Views0likes0CommentsRogue Shadow Ship Kit Concept
Ship Name: Rogue Shadow Crew: Starkiller Affiliation: Dark Side Tags: Attacker, Empire, Unaligned Force User BASIC: Vanishing Fusilade Deals physical damage to the target enemy. If the Rogue Shadow had stealth, this attack deals 70% more damage. Otherwise, it inflicts Expose on the target for 2 turns. If it is the Rogue Shadow's turn and it did not have stealth, it gains stealth for 2 turns. Target Lock: Deals physical damage 2 more times. SPECIAL 1: Concentrated Barrage (CD=3) Deals special damage to the enemy target 3 times, inflicts vulnerable and target lock for 2 turns. If the Rogue Shadow had stealth, instead of target lock, the enemy target is stunned for 2 turns. Target Lock: Inflicts Heal immunity for 2 turns. All other enemies gain Offence Down for 2 turns. SPECIAL 2: Dark Disciple (CD=4) If Rogue Shadow had no Stealth, it gains Stealth for 2 turns. Then deals Special Damage to all enemies twice and inflicts Speed Down for 2 turns. Additionally deals Special Damage to the target enemy and applies Ability Block and 3 stacks of Damage Over Time for 2 turns. All Imperial allies dispel all debuffs from themselves and restore 80% of their Max Defense. If an TIE Advanced x1 is present among allies, it and Rogue Shadow gain 100% Turn Meter. Enemies defeated by this ability cannot be revived. UNIQUE 1: Secret Construction Rogue Shadow gains +50% Max Health, +100% Counter Chance, and +25 Speed. When not in Stealth, the Rogue Shadow gains +25% Critical Damage. When Stealth is active, the Rogue Shadow gains +30% Critical Chance and reduces damage taken by 50%. Each time an allied or enemy capital ship calls in reinforcements, the Rogue Shadow gains Stealth for 3 turns. Whenever the Rogue Shadow deals a critical hit while in Stealth, the enemy target loses 25% Turn Meter. Whenever the Rogue Shadow deals a critical hit outside of Stealth, the enemy target loses 50% Turn Meter and all allied Imperial ships gain Foresight for 1 turn. Each time the Rogue Shadow deals damage, it gains +1% Offence and +1% Potency for the rest of the battle (stacks, max 100%). UNIQUE 2: Stealth Mode Enter battle: Rogue Shadow gains Offence Up for 2 turns and Stealth for 3 turns. Dispel all buffs on all enemies, which cannot be resisted.102Views0likes6CommentsAdd Yularen and more Clone Wars content to the base game!
I'm not an exceptionally versed player in the way that characters are added to the game, but I keep seeing lack of characters from the clone wars, especially characters like the troopers of the 212th (Waxer, Boil, Gregor, maybe someone from the bomb squad or a paratrooper/rocket trooper), Admiral Yularen, Commando droids, spider droids, crab droids, R3-S6 (Goldie), and a multitude of ships, such as the Resolute (Anakin and Yularen's Flagship), the Naboo Starfighters, V-Wings, Droid Tri-Fighters, Dooku's solar sailor, Lucrehulk-Class ships (Maybe using Gunray, Tambor, or even Dooku as a fleet commander). Is there a way that we are able to vote or nominate characters? Also, is there any other characters that you'd like to see added to the game or maybe overhauled?31Views0likes1CommentShip idea: Rebels TIE Fighter aka Sabine's TIE Fighter
Unit Name: Rebels TIE Fighter aka Sabine's TIE Fighter Affiliations: Light Side, Attacker Tags: Rebel, Phoenix Next ship suggestion for the game, the Rebels TIE Fighter aka Sabine's TIE Fighter. In Canon, the Rebel cell Pheonix Squadron stole a TIE Fighter which had been piloted by the Imperial Baron Valen Rudor and was then used to attack an Imperial Transport carrying prisoners in order of freeing them. Later, the Mandalorian Sabine Wren painted the TIE giving it a more distinct and colorful look. Current characters in the game who could pilot it are either Captain Rex or Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum).Solved503Views4likes12CommentsFavourite Conquest Unit?
Whose your favourite Conquest-unlocked character/ship? (Excluding Jocasta Nu as no-one ahs her unlocked yet) Razor Crest Commander Ahsoka Tano Maul Boba Fett, Scion of Jango Darth Malgus Ben Solo TIE Interceptor Prototype Scythe Fury-class Interceptor Admiral Trench Taron Malicos Dark Trooper Moff Gideon Darth Bane Queen Amidala Luthen Rael Ezra Bridger (Exile) Rey (Dark Side Vision)71Views0likes1CommentRogue Shadow Ship Kit Concept
The Rogue Shadow, as piloted by Starkiller, is one of the most iconic ships from the Expanded Universe. Its inclusion could be as a Conquest reward, and be a solid addition to either the Chimaera or Executrix fleets, classed as an Empire ship, despite its pilot not having the Empire tag in-game (similar to Dash Rendar's Outrider having the Rebel tag, but Dash not having the Rebel tag, and the Razor Crest having the Bounty Hunter tag, despite BAM not having the tag himself) Name: Rogue Shadow Crew: Starkiller Affiliation: Dark Side, Attacker Tags: Empire Attacks and Abilities Basic: Vanishing Strike Rogue Shadow gains Stealth for 2 turns if it didn’t already have it. Then deal Physical damage to target enemy. If Rogue Shadow has Stealth, this attack has +30% Critical Damage. Target Lock: Reduce Rogue Shadow’s cooldowns by 1. Special 1: Sublight Drivers (Cooldown: 4) Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Offense Down for 2 turns, which can’t be dispelled. Then deal Physical damage to the weakest enemy. If that enemy was Target Locked, dispel it from them and the weakest other ally gains Stealth for 2 turns. Otherwise inflict Target Lock on them for 2 turns. Special 2: Dark Apprentice (Cooldown: 8) Instantly defeat target enemy. Dispel all debuffs from all Empire or Sith allies and recover 100% of their Protection. If TIE Advanced x1 is present, it gains 100% Turn Meter. Enemies defeated by this ability can’t be revived. This ability starts on cooldown. Unique 1: Warped Perceptions (Crew) Rogue Shadow has +30% Critical Avoidance while it doesn’t have Stealth and +30% Critical Chance while it’s Stealthed. Other Empire or Sith allies gain half these bonuses. Rogue Shadow’s attacks can’t be evaded. Whenever an ally reinforces, Rogue Shadow grants them Stealth for 3 turns. Whenever Rogue Shadow critically hits an enemy, if all allies are Empire or Sith, the enemy capital ship loses 5% turn meter, which can’t be evaded or resisted. Reinforcement: Classified Construction Enter Battle: Rogue Shadow gains Stealth for 3 turns. Rogue Shadow has +30% Health Steal. If TIE Advanced x1 is present, it also has +30% Health Steal. Inspiration: -The Rogue Shadow's reliance on Stealth is taken from its original purpose for stealth missions, and its state-of-the-art cloaking device. -The heavy synergy with Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1, and the ability name 'Classified Construction', is based on the fact that everyone involved in the Rogue Shadow's construction were killed, with Vader being the only one to know about its existence.128Views2likes4Comments