Meet the MerSims
Overtime, each character profile in each pod will be updated as new members of the pod are added, the story progresses, and more history and lore about a particular pod develops. As an added bonus, if there is a pod you like to follow, readers can now make replies to specific pods as I move them from this post. The links should make getting to the desired section easier. These Pods also represent the households I plan on rotating through as I tell my story. Meet the Merfolk of the Sulani Seas Meet the Zalrian Pod (Updated 02/13/2025) Meet the Marus Pod (Updated 02/13/2025) Meet the Vatore Pod (Updated 02/13/2025) Meet the Keahloha Pod (Updated 02/18/2025)115Views1like5CommentsNew Machinima!
I just got back into making Machinima again after taking a longer break than anticipated from Youtube! I came up with this fun short video featuring some pretty important scientists (mathematicians, astronomers you get what I mean). If you want to check it out and have a try guessing who everyone is that features then come check it out! I have never posted on here before (I literally only just found out about this forum so I hope this is allowed on here! This is my thumbnail! A few of the characters featured... more in the video too!Omnis Completionist Challenge
Audrey Omnis is the founder of this completionist challenge that I'm playing in YouTube. Sims 3 Completionist Challenge Ep. 1 - All About Cooking In this series we're going to explore 100% of The Sims 3. At the beginning all the skills are locked and we will unlock them one by one per video. Household Skills Project Rules In this series will be: Completing all Lifetime Whises Doing every career (rabbitholes, professions, self-employed and part-time) Maxing all skills and completing their challenges (we're calling this supermaxing a skill). Use all the traits Complete all collections Buy all LTHP Rewards Live in every world (that I own)46Views1like3Comments[BD] La Stagiaire Café
Dag dag amis Simsmaniaks ! 😄 Eh oui ! Moi revoilou ! Comme promis, ma BD a le droit à son réupload et à être continuée 😇 Je n'avais demandé aucune migration et pourtant j'ai vu qu'il y avait eu migration de mes histoires, j'en suis désolée... Le véritable post est donc ici, fait en ce jour du 02/02/2025 Je vais essayer de publier un chapitre par jour jusqu'à être à jour sur tout ce que j'ai (actuellement 26 chapitres) Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture ou relecture 🤗Un bout d'histoire - Famille TANNER
Bonjour bonjour 😊 Bienvenu dans ce petit bout d'histoire centré sur ma partie actuelle du jeu. Pourquoi ce nom? Simplement parce que je n'ai aucune idée de quoi en faire, si je le développerai en histoire ou pas, mais j'aime faire des captures et les partager avec vous, alors je me laisse porter Merci en tout cas à celles et ceux qui viendront faire un petit coucou ou interagir sur ce fil de discussion 😘The Whittaker Saga - 1950s (updated 18/02)
I was vastly inspired when reading the decades challenge, and as a history teacher, I could not stop myself from giving it a try. Of course, true to my nature or refusing to do things by the book, the first thing I did was break the rules. How? By creating as my protagonist a single, working woman living on her own! Gasp! Why? Partly because a story popped into my head, but also, partly, to honor the many women who - by choice or necessity - actually worked, and worked hard for their living in the 1890s. We tend to forget them, but the working women were there - from the hard working farmers that we often downgrade by calling wives, as if they weren't an essential part of the economy of the farm, to the working class women working as domestic help or in the factories where they were only payed half of a man's wages. So with that, I introduce Abigail Spencer, a single, working, middle class woman in 1890s Willow Creek: As middle class there is only a few jobs available to Abigail, that of governess or that of teacher. Abigail is therefore a teacher, teaching at Willow Creek Elementary School. She lives right next door to the school, in a small shotgun house with a few chickens and a patch of land to help her make ends meet (teachers really were not payed a lot during this time either). Obviously, her biggest goal in life is to find a husband, get married and start a family so that she won't have to work. (In fact, a teacher, as well as many other working women, automatically lost their job if they got married during this time.) But to get married, she needs to find a husband. Meet Willow Creek's eligible bachelors: Matthew Godeau: Matthew is one of the richest men in Willow Creek. A bit too old to still be a bachelor he lives with his widowed mother in Ophelia house (yes, eventually this family changed their names and became the Goths. Ophelia house is named from Matthew's mother). Pro: Matthew is creative, just like Abigail, as well as a romantic and would be sure to bestow lots of attention on a wife. He lives in one of the biggest houses in town, and is a wealthy business man. Abigail would have a good life with him. Con: His mother. Ophelia is a woman set in her own ways and she is not about to let some silly girl interfere with how she runs her house! Ophelia is mean, materialistic and an overachiever. She is not likely to see some middle class teacher as good enough for her son. Add that she has raised her son to be not only creative and romantic, but also incredibly self absorbed and the household may prove hard to be comfortable with. Joseph Whittaker: Joseph is a novellist, living in the stately Whittaker house, which with time, will be turned into the well renowned Willow Creek Archive. He has no mother (a definite pro), but two very young children. A son and a daughter, from a previous marriage. Pro: Joseph is a bookworm, just like Abigail and is sure look favourably on her past as a teacher. They are also both family orientated which means they are a good match in personalities and would likely find a lot of common ground. The house is ripe with books, and Joseph's two motherless children desperately need a mother to tend to their needs. With two live in maids it's a comfortable life focused on the family and the books she so loves. Con: Joseph very much mourns his dead wife, and keeps her picture on the wall over the fireplace. Can he ever truly love again, or will Abigail forever live in the shadow of the woman he loved and lost? Loyd Brennan: Loyd is the owner of Brennan's Groceries and Dry Goods, the biggest (only) shop in town. He lives with his sister Mary and their dachshund above the store. Pro: Loyd is outgoing and friendly and easy to get along with. He's self assured, but unlike Matthew, not self absorbed. He works hard and provides a good home. As a working man he does not mind a working wife, so Abigail would do more than sit around being pretty. He loves dogs, and anyone who does cannot be bad - right? Con: Living in a store would mean working in the store. There is no way the wife of a store owner is not in that store working along side her husband. Without money for a maid, this involves not just working in the store but running the household as well. The apartment isn't really big enough for a large family and unless Mary gets married, it's bound to be crowded. Then there is the fact that she and Mary does not really get along well. Paul Heydale: Paul is a farmer, living with his entire family at Garden Essence, a farm with a cow, chickens and a whole lot of crops. They're a tight knit family who works hard for what they have. Pros: Paul, like Abigail is both creative and family orientated. He dreams of becoming a painter rather than a farmer. By marrying him, Abigail would be wrapped up in a large family who would be there for her, something she'd never had before. His family is also very friendly, and Abigail teachers his younger sister and has already met and chatted with his mother and father and really likes the entire family. Con: Marrying a farmer would be a step down the social ladder, and the life of a farmer is hard! Is Abigail cut out for working out from early morning to late evening without ever more than making ends meet? And the house is crowded as is, with Paul's parents and two younger siblings (so far). Where would more children live? Is Abigail prepared for the hard life that accompanies this choice? Now I wanted to make a poll, but apparently you cannot do this in this section of the forums. So I'll leave you with a question instead - who do you believe Abigail will most likely fall in love with and why? Matthew Joseph Loyd Paul Finally, here is my Willow Creek in 1890: *** An important note about the future postings in this story: After trying and fighting the forum to get the posts up and running as they are supposed to work, I have now decided that it's simply too much work. Instead, I have started a blog that (hopefully soon) will contain all of the chapters from here and the old forum. I am currently at 1891 and moving forwards quite rapidly. Here the posts of each chapter will be replaced by a link to the chapters in the blog as I move forwards, though I will leave any comments as they are. The massive perk with this is that I do not need to worry about editing in all images manually, and the loading time will decrease enormously without them. The process of reading is also easier at the blog - and while the blog itself is in the wrong order, I have set up a list of all chapters in chronological order for new readers as well as a search function if you are looking for a specific chapter. Another perk is that I have some new options, like character pages where you can get a summary of each of the main character in the story (warnings for spoilers) and a separate page about the challenge, how time moves. I hope I will be able include a link to the family tree as well. It will take some time to get everything set up, and I do appreciate input in the process. I do promise that the story will go on, and hope you will keep reading it and commenting on it either here or on the new blog. Link to the blog.7.1KViews19likes331CommentsDiary of a Country Girl
Hi everyone. 🙂 This is the continuation of a story I started back in March on the old Vanilla forum. If you were a regular follower of the 'What Happened In You Game Today' thread, you already know Aurora and her little family. Her save started out as just for fun. To explore things within the game that I never had before. I was just going to share a few screenshots with captions. The original idea for this save was to only be about Aurora and her sidekick, her Bernese, Piccolo. But I realized a couple of weeks ago that, yeah, it had become a story. And it deserved its own space here on the new forum. This post and the next couple will help those of you who aren't familiar, become familiar. And since the previous updates were scattered over like 75-100 pages of the old WHIYGT thread it's a nice reminder for everyone that had been following along. The title is also a hint at another change. I'm going to start writing each update like it was an entry in Aurora's diary. I may still write something here and there in a more traditional style with dialogue though. I'm also getting ready to start the reboot of my other story and by writing this one like a diary it's a lot easier to do both and still keep this interesting. So let me introduce you to everyone. Aurora Westbrook-Carter Aurora came back to her country roots. Her parents left Chestnut Ridge just as she entered her teens. She still came back to see her grandparents during the summers. She loved those visits and getting away from the city. After graduating high school she went to art school where she honed her painting and photography skills. But she never lost her love for the quiet country life in Chestnut Ridge. Now she's back where she feels most at home. Tre Carter Aurora's husband Tre came from an entirely different background. He grew up on the streets of Del Sol Valley just like his father. His mother came from Ciudad Enamorada. Yet Tre has always fascinated by the country life. He has an abiding love for horses too. Even if his first real life encounters weren't exactly smooth. Piccolo Aurora's loyal sidekick. Peanut (l), Nashville(back), and Spirit Peanut is Aurora's champion American Saddlebred. Nashville is Tre's horse and Spirit is the newest addition to the family. **Table Of Contents** Recap Part One Recap Part Two Recap Part Three Recap Finale Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight919Views19likes62CommentsBlast from the Past: A Sims 4 Story
Blast from the Past Part 3: Echoes of Time The next day as Lucifer waits to hear back from Emit, he does a little bit of renovating to his cabin. Mostly, working on the flooring. Lucifer also adds some comforters to the porch now that the winter season is over. With no luck of any word from Emit, Lucifer heads to the library in Willow Creek. Perhaps there’s some books about time travel. Sims he talked to yesterday weren’t all that phased. The librarian suggests to Lucifer he also checks out the museum as that shows a great history. As Lucifer is admiring some of the art pieces, unbeknownst to him a shadowed figure lurks nearby. Back at his cabin, Lucifer notices he has mail. Inside the mailbox are glowing shards. He looks around to see if anyone might have put them in there. No one is there, but he sees a food vendor across the street in the local park. Lucifer goes over to talk to her and ask if she knows anything about the shards. Lucifer goes back to his cabin and places the shards on the table. Lucifer thinks someone purposely gave him the shards and wonders if it was Emit. Lucifer goes to the Magnolia Blossom Park in Willow Creek. He reached out to Emit by phone to meet him there. Lucifer wants answers. You guessed it! To Be Continued...Solved17Views2likes2Comments[Histoire en BD] WICKED KITTIES
Hello tout le monde ! 🙂 C'est avec plaisir que je vous partage à nouveau mon histoire : WICKED KITTIES. WICKED KITTIES est une histoire de type BD qui rend hommage au très bel instrument qu'est la guitare électrique et au milieu de la musique Rock en général. Il s'agit de ma première histoire Sims. Son écriture a commencé en juillet 2023, et elle est toujours en cours de réalisation aujourd'hui. Cette histoire est une histoire fleuve (comprendre : de longue durée) qui vous emmènera au travers d'une dizaine de saisons d'une vingtaine d'épisodes. Très simple au début tant visuellement que scénaristiquement, elle devient au fur-et-à-mesure de plus en plus aboutie. 😉 Sur ce, bonne lecture ! 🤗 P.S : Certains lecteurs et certaines lectrices reconnaîtront probablement cette histoire ! Cette dernière version a été largement réécrite depuis sa parution sur l'ancienne version du forum pour plus de cohérences et bien moins de fautes d’orthographes (du moins, je l'espère 😅).- 52Views1like8Comments