Apex devs
Listen, I’m only doing this because now after watching the new takeover trailer. It really feels like this is a final goodbye. Like we had fun, tootles. Why can’t you guys do what you’re paid to do? It’s obvious. You guys want the money. Especially with all the bullcrap in the shop store. Never once in all the years apex has been out, you guys bring back all the event items that are over. It used to be “ I have to get this skin, we don’t know if it will ever be back.” To “this event will never happen again(buster sword.) now it’s happening. All we have been asking for is better match making, anti cheats. It’s very sad that a lot of the community has left. You’re very much to blame to a certain extent. You haven’t showed us, or proved to us that you want to fix the game. You’re ruining it. This BR isn’t like all the others. It’s addicting. The challenge, the rush. We were on top of the world. I don’t do this for a living. So I can’t fix the game. But I guarantee the community would come together and fix this game if we needed too. Our platform needs its devs back. The active In game developers that understood the changes. Not people who think they know what’s best. You design we play. It’s also seems that you guys want money. Obviously everyone needs to make a living. But with our player count with what it is today. Your way isn’t working anymore. Is the next move you guys jobless because you let the game die. The potential is insane. The growth. Fix the game. The players will come back. Speak to the public instead of hiding behind a phone. Fix the game. Bring back the challenge. Then your pockets will be filled. This fill my pockets and if they are full enough we just won’t give a **bleep** since we made money off a crappy event mindset isn’t cutting it anymore. Fix the problems before this game is like flappy bird. A memory.4Views0likes0CommentsEA App asking UAC permission at game launch
EA app asks UAC permission/ Admin rights twice every time I need to lauch a game on Windows 11 (even if no update or new content is available... just wanting to launch EA app triggers the request) Specifically, from EALauncher.exe and EADesktop.exe I have set everything connected to EA App and the Sims 4 to run ad admin by default, but for some reason the prompts are still there. It's not possible for me to take screenshots of said issue either. This has happened for a very long time now, but it's starting to get very annoying