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Episode Update

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
4 months ago

Changes coming to Episode 2

Hello Holotable Heroes! 

We’re excited to share some upcoming changes to Episodes that will be arriving in a pre-holiday update.

Thank you for your feedback!

We’ve been carefully reviewing your feedback and analyzing data on the initial release of Eras and have some improvements we want to make to better your experience.

What’s Changing in Episode 2?

  • Increased Episode Currency Cap: The maximum Episode Currency cap will be raised from 30,000 to 100,000.

  • Episode Track Changes: The first 4 milestones on the Episode Track will have the amount of required Episode Points reduced.
    • Milestone 1 requires 1000 EP
    • Milestone 2 requires 2000 EP
    • Milestone 3 requires 3000 EP
    • Milestone 4 requires 4000 EP
    • All other milestones continue to require 5000 EP as before

  • Quest Changes:
    • Recurring Episode Quests have shifted in the schedule based on player feedback. 
      • For example, the quest to complete 5 Galactic Challenge feats will now appear the day before a new GC starts, instead of the same day, letting players who complete the GC immediately when it starts complete the Episode Quest without having to wait 3-4 days for another GC to start.
      • Another example is that quests to earn 10 keycards in Conquest will appear on the day Conquest starts, instead of the second day, so you maniacs who reach the red box on day 1 won’t have to eke out a few more keycards on day 2.
    • The recent change increasing the EP reward from 300 to 350 for each Daily Quest will also persist into Episode 2.

  • Shipment Adjustments:
    • Two new shipments will be added to the Episode Shipments tab:
      • One additional shipment containing 2 more Omicron materials
      • One additional shipment containing 16 more Micro Attenuators (a.k.a. Mod reroll materials)
    • The existing Kyrotech Salvage shipments will provide 10 pieces of Salvage instead of 2, with a corresponding price increase.
    • Updated Character Shard: Character shards will be updated to focus on characters that will be helpful in the current and future Episodes. 
    • Episode 2 Characters
      • Hunter
      • Wrecker
      • Tech
      • Echo
      • Omega
      • Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum)
      • Saw Gerrera
      • Nightsister Zombie
      • Ezra Bridger
  • Galactic Challenge Adjustments:
    • The “Complete the battle” feat will return to Galactic Challenges, and GCs will have 5 feats from now on, instead of 4.
      • Removing it was definitely something we misjudged, and we apologize to players who felt left out of GC content in the meantime.
    • While we recently adjusted the EP rewards in our GC feats, they will change again to accommodate 5 different feats and to make the math towards reaching the end of the Episode track easier for all players.
      • Three types of feat will reward 300 EP apiece:
        • Complete the battle
        • Complete the battle with a full squad of a specific faction
        • Complete the battle while accomplishing something specific in combat
      • Two types of feat will reward 450 EP apiece:
        • Complete the battle with a recent Marquee character at a set Star level
        • Complete the battle with an active Episode pass
      • These EP rewards will be consistent across all tiers of the GC, making EP more front-loaded across all GC tiers and easier for players to earn. 
      • A F2P player who completes their available feats in any tier will now always earn more EP than when they had completed that same tier before.
    • As Episode 2 will have no Marquee unit releases, the feat to complete the battle with a recent Marquee character will be replaced by an additional in-combat feat for each GC in the Episode.
      • Therefore GCs in Episode 2 will have 4 feats that reward 300 EP and 1 that rewards 450 EP.
      • This will be the expected format for any GC that has not had a featured Marquee character within the previous 2 weeks.

Again, we appreciate all your feedback, so please keep it coming. 

See you all on the Holotable! 


What will you replace the New Marquee Shards with on the Episode Pass for Episode 2?

For this Episode, the Episode Pass will have 20 shards each of Night Trooper, Death Trooper (Peridea), and Captain Enoch. We have rearranged some Zinbiddle Cards and Impulse Detectors to accommodate the above, but the total amounts of those two items remain the same. 

Updated 4 months ago
Version 2.0