Blog Post
- djblenderNew Spectator
All tiers should be investigated! RNG is too high even in the highest tiers.
- I3IEIEIFNew Spectator
FairPlay, only took a month to realise. Full team of relics get 0 on level 1 and takes this long to realise. Can’t believe I’m gunna say I miss speeder bike and that made me want to be sick
- ye0ylcgrufd6New Spectator
I've been tempted to quit because this raid. It's annoying, rng dependant and battles take too long. Hate to remod every team just for a chance to get a decent scores, cuz Even hitting stats goals you're have a chance to get crushed
- Commander_ThrawnSeasoned Newcomer
Because of how difficult the raid is a lower teirs even decent guilds are having a hard time getting mediocre scores. And on top of the that, the best teams found so far (outside of gungans) need to have high end mods which either a lot of players don't have or get tired of having to remod over a dozen characters every 3 to 4 days.
- Quicksilver3333Rising Spectator
The TM gain and health regeneration is ridiculous in every tier.
B1's should not even have HP.
- Th3N1c3sNew Spectator
The raid is honestly a joke. I have the same amount of teams as in speeder raid yet I get 1/4 of the points and overall our guild barely gets half the rewards compared to before. Once again CG is showing their face by screwing over the player base, as with every new Raid. Is it so hard to give fair rewards at the start of a new raid for once? That alone would give a lot of trust back to CG.
Naboo AB is bugged aswell from the looks of it, but who cares. - expatjannerNew Spectator
So, here's my 2 cents,
The Raid is far too hard, I have the r5/Seps/Sith team and can only get 780k on the r3 tier.
Your pressure to get the Gungan squad is FAR FAR FAR to much hard sell.
Putting every galactic challenge Gungans based is crazy. Some of us have no interest in the team whatsoever.
If you want to make money, put your Hyperdrive pack at 10 bucks and leave the original GL lsbs on permanently.
Test your game at EVERY tier before releasing a new mode or raid.
Alot of players pay your conquest subscription already. Less greed, more gameplay please
- 7fda9e56466f4c9fNew Spectator
I agree with RNG being way too much on this raid. I've spent ~$10k on this game the past year, I have all the teams you want us to buy, and frankly the raid is just pissing me off and pushing me towards quitting the game.
Here are some suggestions to make it more reasonable:
DDKs, STAPs, and Commanders can no longer gain bonus turns. This fixes the problem of getting stuck behind 1 DDK and commander droid. If you don't do this, remove the buff strip from the bonus turn commander at least.
Space battles are activated at the very beginning of the stage and are no longer TM reliant. This fixes the problem of STAP going before anyone, then their TM train going off, forcing counters, and killing your entire team before you get to do anything.
Give a TM bonus to all allies when performing a space battle buff so I actually get to use it. You could even decrease the power of the buffs for balancing.
Allow stuns to actually work.
Set a standard schedule of which commander droids come at which stages. Manual runs take 15-20+ minutes and it's EXTREMELY frustrating wasting hours on multiple runs due to this nonsense.
Make the commander droid the slowest speed so I'm not scared to carry my buffs into the next stage.
Make the commander droid selectable and not able to die until the end so we can actually see his CDs. It's very hard to keep track with all the bonus turns happening.
- BBaftermathSeasoned Novice
glad it’s being investigated and wasn’t intended
- TaillspinNew Spectator
That's not what was said, all he said was it's being investigated. I'd honestly temper your expectations.
- Dak_ArnoSeasoned Newcomer
Only took y'all three whole runs to finally look into this eh? Too busy investigating whether or not to nuke for B2 "overperforming" at r8+ to look into how overtuned your lower tiers are.