SWGOH Game Info Hub 7 MIN READKit Reveal: Jocasta Spell On NuCG_MeatheadCapital Games Team2 months agoJocasta Spell On Nu UNIT NAME: Jocasta Nu ALIGNMENT: Light Side CATEGORIES: Attacker, Galactic Republic, Jedi, Jedi Vanguard ------ Key Attributes: Conquest lifter for the Legendary unit coming in the n...Show MoreUpdated 2 months agoVersion 2.0
KiLLiFiSHRising Observer2 months agoWhat is "This is For Fighting" i dont see it any where in the kit other than randomly in her unique?
Tharius69New Scout to KiLLiFiSH2 months agoIt'll make sense when the R. Lee Emrey force ghost from Frighteners joins with his ability "This is for fun"
Tharius69New Scout to KiLLiFiSH2 months agoIt'll make sense when the R. Lee Emrey force ghost from Frighteners joins with his ability "This is for fun"