Blog Post
Meh. The Vader comics are cool and all, but these kits / toons are a stretch. Jocasta as so key to a Jedi Defender core is a really weird look, especially with Agen Kolar, Yaddle, Saesee Tiin and other prominent Masters also missing from the game (and, realistically, no Jedi Defender tag should be led by anyone but ***Mace Windu***, who you aren't reworking - he has a good kit but this is such an obvious place for him!! that would leave a very obvious lifter spot for his apprentice Depa Billaba). Otherwise, a Jedi Defender corp should have Light-Side GI as a 'Temple Guard Commander' as it's triple-zeta toon, not Jocasta.
Really weird decisions here, but hey - that's nothing new for you guys (like how 3rd Sister is still the defacto leader of the Inquisitors in-game, LMFAO). Clearly the lore doesn't matter at all to you guys because beside how 3rd Sister leads the Inkies in-game, GLLO is the most prominent Rebel, and GL Ahsoka is a GL in-game before becoming a GL in the shows and movies... All while still missing Red 5, and other named Star Wars characters with more dialogue in prominent movies (Rieekan is such an obvious miss). I get this is the 20th of ROTS, and there's tons of missing toons from ROTS/Prequel era. So naturally we're going to get a comic-version of a minor character from AOTC, who's lines were more in deleted scenes than the final cut, leading a faction with a few movie non-speaking extras, and Beq, a creation of a TV show from ~18 years later.
Edited to add: at least you guys haven't started down The Acolyte well yet. I swear I will actually quit the game when GL what's-her-face drops and immediately outpowers every other GL in the game.
- 26eefe5745b945d82 months agoSeasoned Rookie
Hey look we found THAT Star Wars fan. I bet you’re fun at parties.
- ImmortalAzazel2 months agoSeasoned Adventurer
If the party was just Acolyte fans it would be as empty as the desert, but OK!
- ApacheOldMeme2 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
They should add the noti from peridea, a loth cat, and loth wolves to the game just to trigger this dude lol and give us more Ahsoka content, they could give a special ability for combining the loth cats and loth wolves with Sabine and Ezra.