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Kit Reveal: Jocasta Spell On Nu

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2 months ago

Jocasta Spell On Nu

UNIT NAME: Jocasta Nu


CATEGORIES: Attacker, Galactic Republic, Jedi, Jedi Vanguard


Key Attributes:

  • Conquest lifter for the Legendary unit coming in the next Era
  • Don’t let her Librarian title fool you - she wields a powerful *lightsaber-fueled rifle*
  • Transforms from using the lightsaber to using the rifle
  • New Jedi Vanguard faction tag


  • When we were first working on the Rise of the Empire Territory Battle we were looking for enemies to add to the various planets. Unfortunately, Jocasta got cut from TB, but remained in our hearts.
  • After reading the Darth Vader comics featuring her (issues 9 and 10), we knew we had to include her and her lightsaber-fueled rifle that she uses in the comic.
  • We used every aspect of the comic appearance for this character.
    • The loading of her lightsaber into the rifle
    • The different shots the rifle uses
    • The onomatopoeias (word sounds) inspired our audio artists
    • Throwing the overloaded rifle in a last-ditch effort to save herself

Strategy Tips:

  • Utilize Jedi Vanguard allies to help Jocasta Nu transform into Jocasta Nu (Rifle) as quickly as possible
  • It Belongs in a Museum will increase Siphon for her My Turn ability, so time those up for maximum efficiency


  • How do you acquire Jocasta Nu?
    • Conquest
  • Will her kit get any updates with the upcoming units?
    • Since Conquest units take more time to unlock, she is coming earlier than her other squad members. Therefore, it is likely we will add some synergy callouts to those units as they are released. 
  • What other units are getting the Jedi Vanguard faction tag?
    • Aayla Secura
    • Barriss Offee
    • Eeth Koth
    • Ima-Gun Di
    • Jedi Consular
    • Jedi Knight Guardian
    • Kelleran Beq
    • Kit Fisto
    • Luminara Unduli
    • Plo Koon
    • Qui-Gon Jinn
    • Shaak Ti
  • What does Jedi Vanguard mean as a distinct faction?
    • The Jedi faction is huge. We wanted a sub faction of Jedi where we could cage some power without making a certain Jedi Master even more powerful than he already is. The Vanguards are a collection of Jedi we felt were (or would have been) stalwart defenders of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
  • Other than the new Jedi Vanguard coming in the next era, what squads is she good with?
    • There are many existing places to slot her, but our favorite while waiting for her new units is Kelleran Beq.
  • How does throwing the rifle work?
    • If Jocasta is about to be defeated you get a bonus turn. During this turn you can only throw the rifle as an AoE explosion. If this defeats ALL the enemies, she survives and victory is yours. (In a multi-encounter battle, she will be defeated at the start of the next encounter if she throws the rifle). If her rifle throw does not defeat all enemies, she is defeated. 
  • How does she transform?
    • By the Book and Shhh! Quiet! both need to be unlocked to at least Tier 6 and all her allies must be Jedi Vanguard. Then when the cooldown is available for It Does Not Exist, she can trigger her transformation. She will be unable to use It Does Not Exist if either conditions are not met.
  • Why does her ability set enemy health to 65? What’s the reference?
    • Order 66 is the declaration that the Jedi have become enemies of the Republic. Order 65, however, is the declaration that the Chancellor has become an enemy of the Republic. We thought this would be a nice nod to the unused Clone orders.
  • How does she work with omiQGJ?
    • Since Jocasta Nu (Rifle)’s defeat can’t be prevented and occurs when she reaches 1% Health after she uses It’s Up to You Now, she would still be defeated even if omiQGJ has not been.

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BASICS:  By the Book (Zeta+Omicron) 

Final Text: 

Deal Special damage to target enemy. If they had Defense Down or Tenacity Down, inflict that debuff on all enemies for 1 turn. Gain Critical Damage Up for 1 turn.

SPECIAL 1: Shhh! Quiet! (CD=4) (Zeta + Omicron) 

Final Text: 

If all allies are Jedi Vanguard, dispel all buffs on all enemies. Deal Special damage to target enemy. Gain Speed Up for 1 turn and reduce the cooldown of It Does Not Exist by 10.

SPECIAL 2: It Does Not Exist (CD=20) 

Final Text: 

Gain 50% Critical Chance, Critical Damage, and 5 Siphon for the rest of the battle, and 100% Speed and Tenacity for 1 turn. Daze all enemies for 1 turn. Transform into Jocasta Nu (Rifle). This ability starts on cooldown, can only be used once per battle, and can't be evaded or resisted.

This ability can only be used if all allies are Jedi Vanguard and both By the Book and Shhh! Quiet! are Tier 6 or above.

UNIQUE 1: Jedi Archivist (Zeta + Omicron)

Final Text: 

Jocasta Nu has +25% Max Protection (increased to 50% if all allies are Jedi Vanguard) at the start of battle and is immune to Protection Disruption and can't be revived. At the start of her turn:

Inflict Tenacity Down until the end of her turn against the last enemy to inflict a debuff on her. If this is the second time this has occurred on the same enemy in this encounter and she is Jocasta Nu (Rifle), they are also Exposed.

Inflict Defense Down until the end of her turn against the last enemy to damage her. If this is the second time this has occurred on the same enemy in this encounter and she is Jocasta Nu (Rifle), they are also inflicted with Vulnerable. 

Whenever she attacks an Exposed enemy she recovers 20% Protection. Whenever she recovers Protection gain 10% Offense (stacking) for the rest of the encounter. Whenever she or an enemy gains Foresight, dispel it, she gains Deflective Ward, which can't be dispelled, until she receives damage, recovers 20% Protection, and gains 20% Turn Meter (once per turn).

Whenever a Jedi Vanguard ally uses a Special ability, reduce the cooldown of It Does Not Exist by 1. While My Turn is on cooldown, It Belongs in a Museum inflicts Burning on the enemy for 1 turn. 

The first time Jocasta Nu would be reduced to 1% Health, and she is Jocasta Nu (Rifle), she dispels all debuffs on herself, recovers 100% Health, gains Damage Immunity for 1 turn, which can't be dispelled, and takes a bonus turn. During this bonus turn, she must use Special ability, It's Up to You Now, then is defeated, which can't be prevented, if any enemy survives. At the

start of the encounter, if she has used, It's Up to You Now, she is defeated. 

While in Grand Arenas: Jocasta Nu has +100% counter chance and is immune to Ability Block. If all allies are Jedi Vanguard, whenever they use an ability, reduce the cooldown of It Does Not Exist by 1. Whenever she is Stunned, gain Deflective Ward, which can't be dispelled, until she receives damage.

UNIQUE 2: Chief Librarian [THIS IS A TEXT ONLY]

When Jocasta Nu transforms, she loses the abilities By the Book, Shhh! Quiet!, and It Does Not Exist, and gains three new abilities.

[Basic] It Belongs in a Museum: Deal Special damage to target enemy. If they had Defense Down or Tenacity Down, inflict that debuff on all enemies for 1 turn. Gain Critical Damage Up for 1 turn.

Zeta Upgrade: While she is Jocasta Nu (Rifle): If they had Defense Down, Expose, or Tenacity Down, inflict that debuff on all enemies for 1 turn, and she gains the opposite buff for 1 turn; if they had Vulnerable, deal additional damage based on 10% of her Max Protection then recover 25% Protection; gain 5 Siphon until the end of the encounter

Omicron Upgrade: While in Grand Arenas and she is Jocasta Nu (Rifle): On her turn, grant each Jedi Vanguard ally every dispellable buff she has for 1 turn

[Special] My Turn: If all allies are Jedi Vanguard, dispel all buffs on all enemies. Deal Special damage to target enemy. Gain Speed Up for 1 turn.

Zeta Upgrade: While she is Jocasta Nu (Rifle): Deal bonus True damage equal to 100% of her current Protection to target enemy, which can't be evaded, then lose all current protection; Jocasta Nu Siphons Max Protection from the target enemy, which can't be resisted; If the target enemy is defeated by this ability, gain Max Protection equal to the target enemy's Max Protection; gain 100% bonus Protection for 1 turn

Omicron Upgrade: While in Grand Arenas, if all allies are Jedi Vanguard, and she is Jocasta Nu (Rifle): Dispel all debuffs on all allies; set the target enemy's Max Health to 65 (excluding Galactic Legends and Raid Bosses) until the start of their turn

[Special] It's Up to You Now: Deal Special damage equal to 50% of Jocasta's Max Protection to all enemies. If any enemies are defeated, Jedi Vanguard allies recover 100% Health and Protection and all enemies are Breached for 2 turns, which can't be evaded or resisted.


BASICS: It Belongs in a Museum

Final Text: 

Deal Special damage to target enemy. If they had Defense Down, Expose, or Tenacity Do

wn, inflict that debuff on all enemies for 1 turn, and she gains the opposite buff for 1 turn. If they had Vulnerable, deal additional damage based on 10% of her Max Protection then recover 25% Protection.  Gain Critical Damage Up for 1 turn and 5 Siphon until the end of the encounter. 

While in Grand Arenas: On her turn, grant each Jedi Vanguard ally every dispellable buff she has for 1 turn (excluding Stealth and Taunt).

SPECIAL 1: My Turn (CD=4) 

Final Text: 

If all allies are Jedi Vanguard, dispel all buffs on all enemies. Deal Special damage and bonus True damage equal to 100% of her current Protection to target enemy, which can't be evaded, then lose all current Protection. Jocasta Nu Siphons Max Protection from the target enemy, which can't be resisted.

If the target enemy is defeated by this ability, gain Max Protection equal to the target enemy's Max Protection. Gain 100% bonus Protection and Speed Up for 1 turn.

Siphon Max Protection: Gain a percentage of Max Protection equal to this unit's Siphon until the end of the encounter and the target loses that much Max Protection (stacking, excluding Galactic Legends and Raid Bosses)

While in Grand Arenas and all allies are Jedi Vanguard: Dispel all debuffs on all allies. Set the target enemy's Max Health to 65 (excluding Galactic Legends and Raid Bosses) until the start of their turn

SPECIAL 2: It's Up to You Now (CD=0)

Final Text: 

Deal Special damage equal to 50% of Jocasta's Max Protection to all enemies. If any enemies are defeated, Jedi Vanguard allies recover 100% Health and Protection and all enemies are Breached for 2 turns, which can't be evaded or resisted.

Updated 2 months ago
Version 2.0