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Punishing One Update

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
5 hours ago

We have examined the match-ups of Executor fleets vs. Leviathan fleets in Fleet Arena. While nearly all combinations of Executor fleets perform as expected against Leviathan (i.e. lose), there is one particular fleet that is overperforming against a specific build of Leviathan fleets. Unfortunately that Leviathan build is the best counter to a Leviathan mirror-match.

When considering our choices of courses of action, we are satisfied with how Punishing One is performing in all other battles. Due to this we are not currently planning any action to adjust Punishing One directly.

However, the counter to Punishing One in a Leviathan fleet is starting TIE Dagger out on the field. This defense has a win-rate much more in-line with our expectations. But since TIE Dagger in the starting line-up is detrimental to a mirror match that Leviathans find themselves in frequently, so our plan is to make some buffs to TIE Dagger to make it the desired unit to bring to a Leviathan mirror-match while still being the best counter for Executor. This way Leviathan owners can still have the win rates they expect against other Leviathans **and** be the favorite against Executor/Punishing One fleets.

As for when this change to TIE Dagger will be implemented, it is contingent on a lot of factors. Suffice it to say that it will make its way into the game at the earliest possible window.


Published 5 hours ago
Version 1.0