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SWGOH Game Info Hub

Update 10/16

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
5 days ago

Hi Holotable Heroes, 

Here are the notes for today’s update


  • Punishing One event goes live tomorrow! 
  • Captain Enoch’s shards are now farmable from Light Side 8-C Hard, replacing Snowtrooper, who is now available in the Galactic War Shipments
  • Shin Hati is now available in Chromium Packs



  • Fixed a bug where self inflicted Breach would lower the cooldown of Executor's Ultimate
  • Fixed incorrect description for Marrok on some ability tiers
  • Gungan Phalanx should recommend correct mods now
  • Fixed a bug where Gungan Boomadier is unable to swap turn-meter with Boss Nass when Boss Nass is inflicted with Daze
  • The Shield Generator summoned by Boss Nass now displays a health bar and clarifies in its description that it has no Protection, but does have 1 Health. This is a visual change that does not affect the mechanics of the Shield Generator and matches how it has worked since it was released.

    We go to Boss Nass, live from Naboo for additional context: "Wesa be thinkin' da Shield Generator be written too confusin. We be fixin' dis so all Gungans be knowing how dis works."

    Dev translation: The SG has always had 1 Health by necessity, but we had it hidden. Unfortunately, this led to various edge cases and inconsistencies with what players expected to happen for some abilities. So we chose to expose this hidden health bar and adjust the description so mechanical interactions feel consistent for players (for example: Chewie's Max Health damage occurring against it).

Published 5 days ago
Version 1.0
  • zefitx46738l's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    With GLAT's release date by the end of 2024, when it is expected to have the 3rd wave or required charachters?

  • Yet another toon that requires regular energy hard node farming. At this point it's insurmountable to catch up when you have 50 different characters competing for regular energy. 

    At least increase the drop rates to compensate 

  • Thank you all for fixing the audio priority issue where game audio was taking priority over podcasts/music. My user minutes went up and I’m sure others did as well!

  • WyldStallyn69's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Why did you change the EK-cron after you guys said you'd never alter datacrons as they will just be gone in 6 months?

  • Rolada64's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Yet another Imperial Remnant (new) for yellow energy? Come on CG, you can do better than this. So boring.

  • Diblit77's avatar
    Rising Spectator

    The hidden health bar is a nice thing to show now. I’m sure that’ll be very helpful for all of us that we’re affected by and lost rewards because of the audio glitch. 

  • xFishinFrenzyx's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Punishing One is going to be sweet for Executor! Looks like it'll even be low star viable similar to TIE Defender!