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Update 2-19-25

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
12 days ago

Hi Holotable Heroes, 

Here are the notes for today’s update



  • Wrecker (Mercenary) 
  • Batcher is now available in Chromium packs and Shipments
  • Captain Tarpals has been added to the list of Accelerated Characters 
  • Gungan Boomadier has been added to the list of Accelerated Characters 
  • Zaalbar's Omicron has been updated 



  • Fixed a bug where Supreme Leader Kylo Ren could be called to assist to attack Darth Revan
  • Fixed a typo for Jocasta Nu's mod recommendations
  • Fixed a bug where Supreme Leader Kylo Ren would not receive the appropriate amount of Siphon from Rey (Dark Side Vision) if he were in Aggressive Stance
  • Ben Solo's Force powers were on the fritz if he was attempting to use his Special 1 in his Omicron game mode without Rey in the Leader slot. After some time meditating, things are working as they should now.
  • Fixed an issue where Captive units could recover Health and Protection
  • Fixed an issue where JKR's Leader ability was activating even when he wasn't in the Leader slot
  • Fixed a description where Vulnerable in Queen Ami's Special 02 was set up to be undispellable but not mentioned to be undispellable
  • Fixed an issue where JKR's Leader Ability was working when they weren't in the Leader slot


Zaalbar's New final ability text:

Zaalbar has +25% Critical Avoidance. If Mission Vao is an ally, she also gains this bonus. When any other ally falls below 100% Health, Zaalbar gains Retribution and Taunt for 2 turns. At the start of each of his turns, Zaalbar and Mission recover 10% Protection for each stack of Damage Over Time on enemies.

While in Grand Arenas: Zaalbar gains Retribution and Taunts for 1 turn at the start of battle, at the start of his turn, and whenever he loses Retribution or Taunt. Whenever he attacks out of turn, inflict a stack of Damage Over Time for 2 turns on all enemies, which can’t be evaded or resisted. Enemies can't gain Defense Up or Stealth.

While in 5v5 Grand Arenas, if all allies are Light Side Old Republic and the Leader is not a Jedi: Allies are immune to Daze and Expose. At the start of each turn allies gain 20% Defense and Tenacity for each enemy debuff until the end of the turn. Whenever another ally Taunts, they dispel it, take a bonus turn, and gain 400% Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter or the start of a Galactic Legend's turn. Whenever an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, they are inflicted with a stack of Damage Over Time for 2 turns, which can’t be evaded or resisted. If Jolee Bindo is an ally, That Looks Pretty Bad revives all defeated allies. These bonuses persist if Zaalbar is defeated.

While in 3v3 Grand Arenas, if Darth Revan and Mission Vao are allies and there is no enemy Galactic Legend: Zaalbar and Mission gain the Sith Empire tag until the end of battle. Mission gains a bonus turn at the start of battle. Until the start of that turn she can't be targeted by enemies. At the start of that turn she is instantly defeated and grants her Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Offense, and Speed to Zaalbar and Darth Revan in addition to their own until the end of battle. Zaalbar and Darth Revan gain Guard until Zaalbar is defeated. Once per turn, Darth Revan assists whenever Zaalbar uses an ability.

Updated 12 days ago
Version 2.0


  • youvebeentstruck's avatar
    New Spectator
    12 days ago

    It's essentially simulating the dark side ending to KOTOR where Big Z kills Mission. He's also Old Republic, lol so makes sense there for that synergy. As for the "updated" language, his unique ability existed prior obviously so I just assume they mean updated to include the omi.

  • DarthOkay's avatar
    New Rookie
    12 days ago

    Came here to say the same thing.. we’ve all been waiting for our GL title update. I’ve checked on it since December on trello, saying it’s been ready to release for months. Please please send this update out! I’m missing 15+ titles

  • nrm53's avatar
    New Spectator
    12 days ago

    Hey meathead... that omi looks pretty good... wouldn't imagine it would coincide with the return of a certain raid would it?

  • corsagnino's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    12 days ago

    Hey Meathead, a lot of us are experiencing never-ending load screens in ROTE and more dropped battles in conquest, taking our energy with no results. Hope this can be addressed ASAP. Thank you!

  • Any word on the Ahsoka and other Spectre bugs? Would really like to see those fixed...

  • Secrets and Shadows broke with the update. Specifically, the game freezes whenever you get to the 4th encounter. 

  • I may be behind here as I have no memory of zaalbar having an omicron and your saying it's being updated ?? As in it was there bwfore to be updated ? But why no synergy with Wookiee ? Why old republic and d revan? Just curious ?

  • According to Trello, you already have a fix for the Title bug, so when are you planning to implement it?? It has probably been "ready for release" for a month at this point? 

    You'd think one of these updates would have the fix implemented, and it will be wild if we go through an entire Era before this gets fixed...