Blog Post
- mc85h2qc2hj62 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
1 week ?!?!?!? No es mucho che !? Podrían arreglarlo antes uno invierte de todo para poder ser primero en sacar leyendas y ustedes se toman una semana para arreglar el problema no me parece práctico
- pmwbmthkdqih2 months agoNew Spectator
You have to kidding me. I spent money on crystals + all crystals earned from the game to have her ASAP. This is a damage to my game evolution and should be covered by EA.
Moreover, if the problem persist only for the selected number of players, it's also a disrimination of this group + game disadvantage against the players who can acquire her.
- Flying_Nico2 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Why the hell does it work for some people and not for others this is not fair
- Flying_Nico2 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I got a workaround that worked for me i uninstalled on my phone and reinstalled then went to the journy and started tier 1.
Dont ask me why it worked tested to uninstall on pc and reinstall dident work
- abc5dMfOhgdegb2 months agoNew Spectator
Right??? We better get compensated...
- Nightwish_ODB2 months agoNew Spectator
Same situation as everyone here. I spent a fair share of crystals to get her this weekend, because of time restraints, and before the next GAC round, and you can't be bothered to send a fix before the weekend, even though you know what's wrong??? WTH CG?
- DK_Violator2 months agoRising Novice
- BarbStar0072 months agoNew Spectator
Got it running on PC; still I lost one weekly delivery of GL currency
- DK_Violator2 months agoRising Novice
Can you elaborate? My pc client gets stuck on first mission.
- 13d86acb8801387f2 months agoNew Spectator
INCREÍBLE... Work hard is millionarie game.