E-district is a terrible map
I tried to play vantage on E-district, but using snipers on this map is pointless, there is cover everywhere, and there are very few highground spots that give you sufficient long range angles.
I spent an entire game with a sniper, trying to shoot enemies, did almost no damage that game and ended up with blue armour.
If I was playing worlds edge, i would have upgraded to red armour or something, but the developers love to shoe-horn in maps that favour SMG and mobility legends.
This is getting old, fix your game philosophy developers, and what's up with pathfinder having such a high pickrate, being blaitantly overpowered when I play him and still not getting any nerfs?
Is it too much to ask for good maps developers? This can't be rocket science, a good map is where every legend and every weapon feels equally useful, and players don't feel squished in by the terrain or ring-choked. Players don't want to get killed by the map.