They don't care. They haven't even changed the in game reporting to current cheats being used lol. Remember this, until Soar Kobe (soar at the time) exposed that the in game reporting was going to nobody, nothing was being done, then suddenly they put hideout on it. ONE GUY and only available to the "cash cows" like the top ttv and so called pros. They have made roughly 2 BILLION in revenue since the launch and that is the best they can do is put one guy and now he plays with the pros, hangs out with them in discord. LMAO.. Nothing like making sure you're safe. That is like Shaq handing out with the referees and going to their homes, calling them on the phone LOL 100 million download by the third month of release and the current total player numbers you can look up from origin and steam are anywhere from 200-450k .. OUT OF 100 million but i guess they are happy with a 0.04% retained player base? Nothing is being done about the SOFT HACKS. I'm tired of hearing the hard hacks, its a distraction and we wont talk about how obvious on the daily replay YouTube videos show autoexec/config macros being used ( we wont even talk about controllers and all the cheats for them) . No, it's content and protect their cash cows , the 2 billion in revenue and think shareholders are happy. What if shareholders know these numbers? Not surprised if they don't. Can you imagine if they cleaned up the game and maybe many wouldn't have left because of cheating. I will quote, mind you QUOTE Shroud . Shroud was working with respawn on apex roughly a year before it came out. Initially he played then was sporadic in playing it. Came back and noticed how different it was from seasons 1-6 and 7- 12 (just watch on YouTube seasons 1-6 and then 7-12 big difference) Shroud came back again around season 11 and got melted in a split second and said it was the fastest he has ever died. Well, it was a controller player streaming on twitch , so diamond level player. Couldn't believe it. I quote shroud, " Soft Cheats will kill apex legends". Now he came back in season 12 and making a big deal winning games in SILVER LOL But notice , he came with a 2 stack with him. Gone are the days he would go into apex solo and destroy. He isn't stupid he knows what is going on. My point is, if they are happy with the cash cows they have and with the kiddies coming in spending alllll the money on skins you cant even see and heirlooms that are a car payment, why would they change anything? The only time they change things is when one of the chosen ones complains. What is sad is you can take all predators and they are NOT the majority of the game , not even close, they are NOT the ones that make EA/Respawn their money. You have heard of white lists before, and that is what we are seeing compared to other games where at least they have gone after pros and top ttv's but not apex. When i competed during the fatal1ty years and also worked for a Tier 1 developer, there was honor back then. Respect. You were Tech'd before each lan event or beatdown. You got caught you were blackballed. You had to go buy the game again. NOW? Slap on the hand , 2 week ban and you're back. I wouldn't trust the next lan event, the game play WOULD be sooooo different than when they are streaming and in the safety at their home or stream house that they couldn't afford the cash cows to look that bad. It would need to be an independent party . Reason I'm writing this was i had back to back games and was cheated on. (btw, smurfing is an in game option and how many pros have we seen smurf players from other games to get them to diamond pathetic FACT btw, tons of videos showing this) It was so blatant and nothing will happen to them. Actual people using WALLS or ESP , no in game reporting for that. WHY? Apex has 3 characters that pretty much wall so WE MUST have been scanned right? LOL No... bloodhound is a great disguise for someone walling. They see where you are, push you and scan before to make it look like they saw you through a scan lol... Sad state of gaming we are in for the FPS genre. All of them. Warzone, Siege, overwatch, division ... alllll of them. Now I'm hearing Elden ring (mmo) is hacked. Worst yet, remember the second week Fall Guys came out, that kids game people had fun playing? People hacked that. Saddd .. social cred.. badges..... all of it. smh .. but i digress........