Don't know if that was specifically directed at me, but I'll answer by saying that I sort of assumed the original poster was putting out a troll question.
Giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, I'll put it a different way:
If the consistent criticism within this thread is that Storm Point is too big, then I would like to know "too big for what?" My assumption, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that we're dealing with a few players who have, as I said, arena-shooter attention spans. I've landed on this map plenty of times, and if you're looking for action then land in Antenna, Checkpoint, Storm Watch, or anywhere in between. Plenty of gun fights to be found. After the initial scrums are over you may or may not find back-to-back fights. If you don't this is precisely because some players, such as myself, don't like endless, non-stop action and appreciate a bigger map that allows for a slower pace of play. Is Apex such a small and insular world that we can't accomodate more than one meta and more than one play style? Is your attention span really that short?