Forum Discussion

RockScorpion384's avatar
4 years ago

I think 10 seasons in, its time for the battle pass to change/evolve

The rewards have always seemed rather bland for the most part and i think with Season X upcoming the Battle Pass could use an upgrade going forward.

1. remove the rare weapon recolours.
Every season we get the same dull recolours for every weapon in the game. They are uninspired, useless considering at this point everyone has a legendary or at least an epic skin for every weapon, and are just filler content. Its got to the point where id rather just get crafting materials or an apex pack instead. No one uses these recolours so what is the point in even going through the design process of making new ones every season. Its a waste of time for both devs and players to keep having these in the bp

2. More emotes

With the introduction of ground emotes, i hope going forward we will be seeing these added to the battle pass track. Dont start replacing skydive emotes with ground emotes either. We should get 3-4 of each per battle pass. Other than the legendary skins these are the only thing that makes the bp worth it. So this should be an area of the bp that gets expanded and not reduced

3. Holosprays

Were cool when they were added but i feel like they need some more interesting designs and features. Can we get animated holosprays? And i dont mean “ooh a shiny texture” i mean an actual animation. It would be cool if we also got a season specific holospray every season that upgraded as you climb the higher tiers. Similar to how the anniversary holospray had 3 different tiers that you could upgrade to, this would also get better the higher u get in the bp.

4. Past Battle pass content

With it being 2+ Years, 10 battle passes down the line. It would be cool to see some older bp content come back in current battlepasses. You can recolour the skins to make the original versions exclusive to the players that got it, but instead of a rare legend recolour at lvl 50 for the free track it would be cool to get a recolour for the ice pathfinder from season 3 for instance. And then at lvl 100 on the free track we could get a recolour of the season 2 r301 rhino skin. Just a way to glam the bp up a bit and bring back some of the older content for people that werent playing or missed out. 

5. Finishers

it would be cool if we could get some new finishers in general, not necessarily in the bp but still...

6. Dive trails

I still dont know why we have this cosmetic option that only 1% of players get to use. Kinda stupid imo. Can we please get a themed dive trail every season. For example we currently have the japenese theme bp, wouldve been cool to have a cherry blossom dive trail, obviously you can still have the coloured smoke while dropping so other teams can see where u are. But no reason not to allow people to have custom dive trails.

Also stop making wraith skins. There are 17 soon to be 18 legends. Wraith doesnt need a bp skin every couple seasons. Seriously she got her crazy face paint skin in season 1, her androidy skin in season 4, her sophisticated skin in season 7, and shes just got another japanese skin. Stop making wraith skins every 2-3 seasons pleaseeee. 

Just for comparison:

Wraith - 4 

Bangalore - 2 

lifeline - 2 

pathfinder - 2

octane - 2

mirage - 1

caustic - 1 

Bloodhound - 1

wattson - 1

rampart - 1

gibraltar - 0

Crypto - 0 

revenant - 0

loba - 0

horizon - 0

fuse - 0

valkyrie - 0

The fact gibby hasnt had a bp skin yet is ridiculous to begin with. Hes the only launch legend not to have received one. Additionally crypto, rev and loba not having one yet despite being out for 1 - 1.5 years is stupid. Bottom 3 make sense because theyre newest and only been around for <1 year but everyone else should have one by now or getting one next season

10 Replies

  • @RockScorpion384

    1. I agree to just remove the rare skins from the battlepass, unless you are a brand new player you likely won’t ever use the majority of the rare skins and I would rather have crafting materials or apex packs like you said

    2. & 5. I would love to see emotes and finishers added to the battlepass, specifically finishers because they are so rare to get from apex packs and the only ones I ever get are the ones I craft with 1200 crafting medals...

    3. i like the suggestion for an upgradable holospray as we finish the battlepass, it could be a holo of the battle pass badge or something because personally I never use the maxed battlepass badge but I think a holospray of the maxed battlepass badges would be useful

    4. I think either players should be able to finish old battlepasses or they should bring some items back as recolors, I believe Halo has a thing where the battlepass never expires and you can work on any battlepass but I think players should still have to spend $10 on each battlepass and they won’t ever expire personally I just want to buy season 1s because I didn’t buy it because I was new and didn’t know if I was going to keep playing or not... if they ever add recolors I would love for Wattson’s Season 3 BP Skin to get a recolor that is like an electric blue or some other color that isn’t pink

    6. I would love to have a Dive Trail... personally I think they should either add one in the battlepass each season as an addition to the level 100-110 reward or they should give all players a dive trail in ranked so you know if your teammates are bronze gold plat etc

    I have also noticed Wraith seems to be getting too many battlepass skins compared to other legends who have never had one but I guess she is a fan favorite and everyone plays her, I also noticed how Wattson has gotten a free skin in the last 2 events and shes about to get a banner frame in the next event so it feels like they are trying to boost her pickrate to see if her win rate changes or something

  • @RockScorpion384 Yea i agree, as a loba main i get very excited about a new bp and then let down cause she doesn't get any cool stuff, no recolor (yet), no skydive emote for the past 3 seasons, and not a lot of banner frames and trackers.
  • @RockScorpion384 In adition to the reactive weapon skin they could maybe introduce something like a reactive legend skin with effects to the hands mainly or reactive charms in the battlepass. Would defenitely make it feel more rewarding and special..
  • Piabetic's avatar
    4 years ago

    They also tend to forget what they have previously given us.  A very nice white G7 skin, then a couple of battlepasses later we get a legendary G7 skin in white that's not better than the previous one.  We might also get a few legendary flatline skins in red or something in quick succession.

    The lazy filler needs to go.  Personally I don't care for holo-sprays or ground emotes.  Skydive emotes I get because it's something to mess around with when you have nothing else productive to do.  Why don't they get around to giving Bloodhound a skydive emote other than the very old boring one?  Am I missing something, or is that really the only one Bloodhound has?

  • I dont think old bp content should come back, skins are going to be less rare. Its your fault for not playing since season 1.

  • Also look at the Call of Duty battle pass weapon skins and ect... a bit more quality what you'll notice... so pls evolve yes.. I know its a whole different game.. but Destiny had emotes first also..

  • @DJustS So what if I rare, sooner or later the skin that was rare would be forgotten because of a new skin that is maybe better than that one. All this rare nonsense is annoying and it's just a skin that everyone could get.
  • @DreNH17I have purchased every battlepass besides season 1 because I was new and wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy the game or not, anyways I don’t really see an issue with Battlepass Skins returning because they really are not ‘’Rare’’ to begin with... I don’t know how many players Apex has total but for a random number lets say 100 million... now imagine if 60% of the players purchased the battlepass thats 60 million players with that skin... but because there are many better skins available for each legend they may or may not ever be worn which gives off the impression that these are ‘’rare’’ skins when in reality they just are not being used

    In my opinion the ONLY ‘’rare’’ skins in Apex are Twitch Prime Skins because I would imagine only a limited amount of players actually own Amazon Prime and not every one of them knows they can redeem a free skin every month..., other than twitch Prime there are only a select few recolors that have not returned like Bloodbound’s White Winter whatever skin from Season 1
    (It will likely return eventually and not be rare anymore unlike Twitch Prime Skins)

    They have in the patch notes that starting in Season 11 future Battlepass skins will be purchasable (this has changed multiple times it did say season 10 but now says 11) also a bundle according to the files will have a past battlepass skydive emote in it for pathfinder

    personally I would just make all of the battlepass skins purchasable for 1000 apex coins (or higher priced since they are older) because lets say someones a Wattson Main they may want to work on the Season 3 battlepass for the Wattson Gothic Cyborg Skin or someone may want to work on the Season 2 battlepass for the Octane Jade Tiger skin

    It would also be a nice feature if someone purchased the battlepass but didn’t finish it if they could finish it at a later date because if they purchased it they deserve to get their money’s worth, another thing is that I sometimes tend to finish the battlepass with a 1 1/2 months if not 2 months left of the season (depending if I enjoy the season or not) which would be plenty of time for someone who is newer to work on a previous battlepass after completing the current season’s

  • DreNH17's avatar
    4 years ago
    @TheApexLegendNub Yea I don't have an issue with it either but when people bring up the 'rare skin' nonsense it just confuses me cause anyone could have gotten the skin.
  • @DreNH17Same to me it doesn’t matter if something is rare or not I would rather see it occasionally than only see it once every 6+ months

    even the rare OG skins that returned I don’t see often like Bangalore’s Killer Bee I haven’t even seen besides the one I wear occasionally, I mainly only see Wraith Airship Assassins or the Teal and Yellow wraiths everywhere

    it may be different in master/predator lobbies but from my experience I never see skins like Wraith’s witch costumes, Wraith’s marble goddess, etc in the game I only see airship assassin, yellow/teal wraiths recolor, or the wraiths that are the yellow or red cyborg cats so what the point of keeping skins ‘’rare’’ if only a few of them are actually seen/used anyways there are many battlepass/Collection event skins i never see and I would at least love for the collection event skins to cycle through the shop every week 

    i don’t remember the last time Ive seen a Ice Pathfinder skin from the season 3 battlepass, its not because its rare its because there are so many better options and its only really camouflaged on world’s edge other than that you stick out like a sore thumb

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