Forum Discussion
Hello i have paid $300 for a keyboard and mouse on ps4 but i cant use it on apex legends will you guys ever add keyboard and mouse on console for apex legends?
- 6 years ago
If they implement cross platform play then yeah sure allow keyboard and mouse.
As long as there is no cross platform do not allow it. It gives an unfair advantage against a controller.
- 6 years ago
@AludanPL said "I know it's not native 4K except some games on XoX and few on PS4 Pro but what i mean is that playing on 4K monitor with 1440p set in game is very blurry if the monitor is scaling the input and only newer games offer upscaling. On consoles you don't have to worry that your game will look like garbage on 4K monitor/TV and will work usually at stable 30 fps for that low price compared to PC system."
Playing on a 4k monitor with 1440p is blurry because it's an odd scaling size. You can play at 1080p on a 4k monitor and get cleaner output... I agree that consoles probably do better 1080p->4k upscaling than a typical 4k monitor will do, and I also agree that PC games don't often let you use the GPU for upscaling to 4k (which would produce better visual output). Hopefully this will change over time.
That said, I disagree with you about "consoles looking good".. I have a PS4 Pro, and IMO APEX Legends looks like crappy blurry pixels on it at 1080p or at 4k.... Even at 1080p, it's very obvious that it's dynamically dropping to lower than 1080p at times to try to keep the framerate up. I'd really like to make a youtube video showing visual quality comparisons between a PS4 Pro and a $750 GTX 1060 based system to make it clear how much better the PC is for a bit more upfront cost, and less cost in the long run.
- 6 years ago
Please allow ps4 users to play with keyboard and mouse I spent a $150 on the two but it doesn’t work on apex please add this soon
- 5 years ago
As a PS4 controller player and PC M&K player i honestly don't support M&K on PS4 because of the unfairness it brings.
Anyone who played Apex on both PS4 and PC will have noticed the aim assist is much more massive on PC then on PS4. On PS4 there is less aim assist. Meaning the difference in potential aim skill would be even greater on PS4. So IF they would ever allow M&K on PS4 then they should also adjust the aim assist.
Since EA has a habit of closing skillgaps and benefiting noobs this shouldn't be too much of a problem.- 5 years ago
Turn Aim assist to 0, enable KB and mouse for all.
Problems solved.
- 5 years ago
U r right.iam also facing this problem.i how when they will fix this problem
- 4 years ago
I agree!!
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