Forum Discussion
I can't understand why they nerfed lifeline, I'm so happy that I play a trash character like Rampart so we just get ignored by the dev team, everytime I go up against lifelines with rez shield last season I just peaked my cover and shot the drone once, it cancels the rez I don't under stand, after the rez is canceled its just a straight gibby bubble lite, except she has to lose a teammate to do it.
We learned to fight against gibby bubble right its a shotgun off, who has better reaction time/ping/juking in and out the shield wins. I just don't get why lifeline needed to get that nerf, but I guess once the devs caved to the screaming people who just want killing and rushing in the game all the dominoes fell. You saw it in the Wattson nerf, then Gibby rez fell, Caustic now Lifeline. Anything that required thoughts outside of "Kill em', kill em', kill em'," is just gonna get nerfed cause of the complainers. Walk around the caustic trap? Avoid the fence? Use the fact that the Gibby is stuck in place and get better position for a re-engage? Nah.
@lKogitsune_marulKill em thoughts vs Save em and Defend em thoughts.
If 2 out shines 1 y dont we start a Marching band lol.
Patentieons flyers and everything.
=Save em, Buff em= Protest.
They'll listen then. But that's going to take a lot.
Each time someone mentions Wattson, Crypto, Caustic, LifeLine (Not sure on her), Pathfinder, Rampart.
We put "=Save em, Buff em=" at the bottom.
Then everyone has a chance to say what they gotta say.
Devs here what they need to hear.
Maybe LegendNub becomes a Dev. When we win
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