New Season TTK, I have adjusted, yet it still is unsatisfying. Fix it.
I have adjusted to the new TTK, it it still is terrible, kill and wipes are no longer satisfying. Third parties have become worse, as everyone just plays faster. And it is impossible to defend yourself. Some legends are completely useless such as Crypto, Gibraltar, Wattson, Caustic. People who enjoy the new TTK say that “The strong will only survive this season”. That is a bunch of bs. Only the fast will survive this season. And also the people who completely don’t care about the liking of weapons and legends and more about how good the weapon and legend is.
There are the people who used to play apex, were either bad, which was nothing wrong that, but now can finally get maybe one squad wipe. Then there is the people who were good and now are overpowered.
And the people who don’t like the new TTK either find it too easy and unsatisfying or now used to be good but now completely suck.
This new TTK does not allow all playstyles. I used to play Gibraltar. But now it is impossible to play my playstyle. I used to be slow yet powerful playstyle. As soon as my team got downed I would go for a revive. I was getting an average of 1800 damage and 8 kills a game. It is impossible to revive because of the new TTK. Healing is completely gone, it is impossible to heal. My friend who used to play Octane, he had a fast and deadly playstyle, yet now, he runs out of cover to be shot and downed in 2 seconds.
Now, the old TTK was alright. And everyone was alright with it. Now, that only people with FAST playstyles can win or have fun. And even if you do win, it is just unsatisfying anyway. So, now no one playstyle is allowed but fast. I knew the devs were messing up when they said they would make a lesser TTK. I swear the old devs kept this game together. You devs aren’t listening. You’re making the game unfair.