Forum Discussion
Ressing 2 people at many times do they think this scenario happens? Where the Lifeline is all alone with a squad attacking her and she can double res both squad mates with no shield while defending herself? Really????
A cooldown on the res and modification to care package would have been OK, but this is too much.
- 4 years ago@Pure_Funk_Nugget Then put =Save em, Buff em=
I'll find something a phrase that's less cornier- 4 years ago
O dear, o dear, a bunch of guys trying to explain me how the game is playing or how to counter certain thing or etc without even knowing how i play this game, how good(or bad) i`m at the game, and just because they don`t like my opinion they are sending me to get gud.
Well buddies, then you need to get gud as well. :D
Its not me that i`m complaining that the Devs finally decide to remove the ridiculous mechanics, that was totally unneeded, and totally unfair.ShivFPS from 1:55.
I guess he is a noob too. I guess a lot of the top players that hate this stupid ability as well.
There is a thousand thread and thousand times that i write all this stuff, and i do it 1 more time.
First let me answer lKogitsune_marul:
If you want an ability based game, you can always play LOL and Dota, and be carried by your abilities. Dev have said it like million times, as well as every single player that is good in the game, that Power Creep should be keep in check, this is FPS shooter game after all.
A spamming ability shouldn`t be in the game to be able to safe you, when you lose a gun fight, cause the other player were better. If you died, you deserve it, simply as that. No need for stupid ability to be in the game to safe you. Knockdown shields are there for a reason, to not get melted in a sec, and give your team a chance to win the fight and save you.
Should i even explain this to you, if you are so good at the game, and are telling me how to play it or how to counter x stuff? I shouldn`t right.
I also should not tell you to learn the map, cause every single map have either cover, building, angle, box, rock or whatever in 4-5 meter. And i shouldn`t be the guy to tell you that Reviving should be a tactical/strategy thing that should be done at the right time/place.
You are talking about skill ceiling, yeah guess what, that auto-revive nonseses was lowering the skill ceiling. A 5 year who enter the game could spam it, and peek in and out of the cover to prevent nades or push.
Auto-revive is still super strong, its just not unfair to the rightful team.
The stupid Shield was allowing a receiving team, who should be in a hurry and put on pressure to actually be in the better position, when they should be punish, which is exactly the thing should happen to you if you get a down teammates.
And the Auto-revive mechanics was doing exactly the opposite.
And maybe instead of telling me how to counter X thing, just maybe you should learn how to revive properly, and not relying on a totally broken ability, that require absolutely zero skill to be used. Maybe you should also understand how to play when you get a knockdown teammate, and how to push/hold the enemy team in order to get the revive.
You still have auto-revive, you can still do all you want while reviving, and now you can actually auto-revive both of your teammate.
As well as for your tactical. If you don`t know how to use it properly, there is plenty of streamer that plays her to watch and learn how to use it to her full potential. Its far from useless with the new buff. Popping a bat on low HP would mean you pop a phoenix for half the time, and not been downed again by a "lost" bullet.
As far as her CP i have always said that her ultimate need to be reworked completely.
And i have never said Lifeline needs a nerf. She was okay before the first rework. Her passive was never the problem. They totally make her useless and completely garbage, just like what ShivFPS have said, aka require zero skill to be used, just mindlessly spam a broken ability.
Her pick was decent as well. All she needed was tactical/ult rework.
As far as Revive mechanics, this is a shooter game about killing. You should not take the kills from somebody, and reward the worst team in the X situation. Not to mention the million times where you do all the damage, and play Solo(100% of the time playing Solo Q), do all the damage, do all the works, and some no skill mechanics to steal your kills or make you take unnecessary risk, where you should not be the one do it.
Revive should be a standard thing, and there should not be Auto-revive mechanics, as well as Backpack revive on big time health and so. Same for Dome revive and so.
This ain`t good thing in a FPS game.
And yeah if you can`t see the huge buff Lifeline gets, its on you. Removing LP on her small hitbox is a huge thing, as well as her tactical buff. Can`t talk about her CP buff yet, but i`m not a fan of the CP, they should have just rework her ultimate completely.
But lets be real here, you are all frustrated, cause you can`t get a free kills, thanks to the free cover that you can go in and out instantly and the enemy player have to think not just about you, but about the revive as well.
But this was not the intend of the skill at all.
This was from me. I already explained what the Auto-revive issues were like 100 times already. I don`t feel the need to get into a deep conversation about it. It is what it is, a good players will adapt, the bad will just complaining about it, its that simple. :D
- 4 years ago
Agressor pushes, Recon scan, Defense defense, Support supplies.
To win the game u kill strategically based on the characters kit.
Some charecters, has a kit were they can have thier team to stay alive longer.
U get pushed, some charecters has a kit were u set up a fortress. (I love fortified fortresses)
Most charecters are easy to use.
That's how Apex made thier characters, Basic knowledge and very easy to use.
Can't rob anybody from a kill really?
Devs can rob charecters from thier fixes though
=Save em, Buff em=
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