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EliteVIPNate192's avatar
5 years ago

Make Lifeline Great Again!!!

Hello All,

First, I wanna say thank you for checking out this post and I would love to hear your feedback with my idea on how to make lifeline great again.

To me personally, I feel Lifeline is kind of in weird spot right now in Apex. I know she recently got a buff but if I can be completely honest, this is a very neesh buff. I don't think people are attacking the situation what is causing Lifeline to be less valuable. First, we need to talk about the elephant in room, and that is our braddah Gibraltar.

The problem with Lifeline is Gibraltar himself. Due to his insane buff (healing in dome and revive faster in dome) has put Lifeline off the radar. My question is why did you give Gibraltar the quicker revive when that was Lifeline's bread and butter, and compensate by giving Lifeline a rework or a different passive. Let's be honest a Defender, should be a defender. Not Godzilla. Lol. Like seriously, he got damage reduction, a gunshield, one of the best ults in the game, and heal and revive fast. This guy can do it all. 

Solutions 1: Her revives gives back 50% extra health to her teammates.

Solution 2: She needs a rework.

Solution 3: Get rid of Gibraltar's quick revive in dome.

Thank you all for reading and love to see your comments.

8 Replies

  • @EliteVIPNate1920 Everything comes in 2. You have Pathfinder and Wraith who are quick get aways. You have Caustic and Wattson who lay traps. You have bloodhound and crypto who can scam and monitor. You have Gibby and Lifeline who are the heal enhancers and rezers. It had to be done.
  • Ok I see your point but those are abilities not passives. Lifeline revive is passive which should be unique for one legend. That's the problem. Not only that. Gibraltar just have too much good utility. So many character do have similar abilities, but all of them have different passive. So they should still fix the issue.

  • E9ine_AC's avatar
    5 years ago
    @EliteVIPNate1920 Gibbies rez is only when a bubble is active meaning is has a huge downtime between it even being useful and at that rate you have to hope while in battle that you have not used the bubble already in time of need of a rez. A lot comes into play with these kind of choices.
  • True. But the principal is that Lifeline revive faster is her passive. Gibraltar's revive feels more like a band aid than something natural. You can't have a character that does something similar to a character passive, because you get this situation where Lifeline is overshadowed by Gibraltar. Yes his revive is technically on a cooldown. The point is why go for Lifeline when Gibraltar can do it better. That's the problem.

  • heme725's avatar
    5 years ago

    @EliteVIPNate1920 I agree with you. Rip that revive off of Gibraltars dome and return the dome's cooldown back to normal. If we have to lose the quicker heal too then thats fine.

    That said Lifeline isn't worthless. I'm not experience at high level play but her main value always seemed to be aggressively attacking and slipping away to pop off a quick heal. A Combat Medic that leans more heavily on the 'Combat' than the 'Medic".

    If you purely want to compare the value of their revive passive then its simple.

    Gibraltar can pull off a completely safe revive ONCE every 50 seconds so long as the enemy is a distance away.

    Lifeline can pull off a semi-safe revive whenever she wants so long as the enemy is a distance away.

    Depends on what you value more.

  • @EliteVIPNate1920 Gibraltar is getting a zipline ability for season 5. A portal for season 6. And invincibility for season 7. They really really like Gibraltar. This post sounds more like nerf Gibraltar than buff lifeline.
    Lifeline is one of the strongest characters already. There is a reason termk47 has 130,000+ kills with her.
  • Of course, not at all, she is useful and playful. It's just that it feels like. When people see you pick Lifeline, some will say "why not Gibraltar?". That sucks.

  • I never tried to make it seem Gibraltar needs a nerf, I just said Gibraltar can almost do everything. I just say the issue is his dome able to revive someone quickly shouldn't be the same as a characters passive. That's my issue. If anything, I say get rid of the fast revive and give something else like giving his teammates recover 25% shields and health. Just something to keep both characters unique. In a way, they do have there uses. Like the person before you,  Gibraltar dome is on a cooldown while Lifeline is not. But my question is who is being used more in the pro scene? I rest my case. So that sarcastic post you try make dosent change the fact that his buffs may be a little to much. Even caustic dosent have that much buffs and that's saying something.

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