Make Lifeline Great Again!!!
Hello All,
First, I wanna say thank you for checking out this post and I would love to hear your feedback with my idea on how to make lifeline great again.
To me personally, I feel Lifeline is kind of in weird spot right now in Apex. I know she recently got a buff but if I can be completely honest, this is a very neesh buff. I don't think people are attacking the situation what is causing Lifeline to be less valuable. First, we need to talk about the elephant in room, and that is our braddah Gibraltar.
The problem with Lifeline is Gibraltar himself. Due to his insane buff (healing in dome and revive faster in dome) has put Lifeline off the radar. My question is why did you give Gibraltar the quicker revive when that was Lifeline's bread and butter, and compensate by giving Lifeline a rework or a different passive. Let's be honest a Defender, should be a defender. Not Godzilla. Lol. Like seriously, he got damage reduction, a gunshield, one of the best ults in the game, and heal and revive fast. This guy can do it all.
Solutions 1: Her revives gives back 50% extra health to her teammates.
Solution 2: She needs a rework.
Solution 3: Get rid of Gibraltar's quick revive in dome.
Thank you all for reading and love to see your comments.