5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
"Our goal for this is to bring down the TTK (time to kill) a bit in order to better reward strategic positioning." *
1: This was single-handedly acomplished with the guns they brought back into the meta (energy weapons, tourbo charger, Shelia, ect...). However, ontop of this, they brought down the TTK two fold through the reduction of global shield health, changing the TTK drastically (even when compared to the PK meta).
2: I think these changes would have been better if the developers went all out (fully comitted) to these changes instead of meeting halfway and just realized that this is a DPS meta of fun insanity where they should have included some changes from the community that would have coincided with season 6: bringing back the PK and R99, reducing Pathfinder's grapple and buffing Octane and Loba.
3: It is harder to have strategic positioning when you have lower health.
4: The TTK and priorty for the Legend buffs seem to not 100% line up with what the community wanted.
Finally, there is a fine line between game balence (buffs, but mostly nerfs) and fun. This can be very difficult to understand 100% accurately all of the time, which is why it is important to rely on what community desires are, and how to implement them as much as possible.
What I would have done for Season 6 changes:
Nerf the Devotion LMG (if it's ground loot, then I think that is a good idea)
Swap the Mastiff with the Peacekeeper out of the care package.
Keep the R99 on the ground (doesn't have enough ammo nor powerful enough to be considered a care package weapon).
Have the effective body shield health unchanged (but the EVO armour change is nice btw).
Have the Turbocharger not effect the Havoc (it's weird that they've been nerfing this gun and suddenly it has an extended heavy mag and turbo charger).
Reduce Pathfinder's grapple from 35s to 20s.
Give Octane a second stim (+20% speed) at a cost of more health. And while using stim, if he slides through a door, it breaks.
Give Loba more mobilty on the braclet cast time and reduced slowdown after using jumpdrive.
Able to use abilities off respawn (would yield a fighting chance instead of easy kills for the enemy team).
Able to drop inventory items while healing (would save your team time through multitasking).
Increase the speed of care package/re-spawning arrival time (would prevent waiting around for that one Lifeline on your team to receive her ultimate, and quicken the pace of the match in a positive way; being able to get right back into the fight).
Able to heal while on Ziplines (in a lot of situations you reload with one hand, so Zipline are no exception).
References: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/season-6-patch-notes
i couldn't find one thing i disagree with, including your suggestions. excellent post and i hope it reaches the devs.