5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
Just look at this video, everyone experience this many, many times through all different situation.
This is just a one example. But with a lower TTK and high DMG weapons, the whole experience is plain bad, and the frustrating is big.
So in games like CS:GO and Valorant with small maps and fixed objects positioning plays huge role, but you pretty much know what and from where to expect it, because the map is small and the objects are fixed.
Now in a BR game its totally different, because its a open-world map, and you can be hit literally from everywhere, every side and no one can cover all the direction. Not to mention most of the times your not going to see your opponent when he is getting the first shot at you. Lowering the TTK, makes you way easier to killed, and makes this first shots count for so much more, which is a good thing in a game like CS:GO and Valorant, but very bad thing in BR games.
Before most of the time you were running in the open, and you get shot by enemy team you don`t see, you could have just escape and slide to a cover, if your movement and reaction was good, now in a lot of situations this is just no possible.
Its literally forcing you to a fixed position to stay and camp.
Not to mention how fast teams are melted and your going to be passive in big % of the time, which is bad.
I got a drop with 2 teams, when i finish them, there were like 8-9squads left, the time i move and met the next team, it was 5 squads left .... Good luck improving that way, spending most of the time in game, but with very little fighting.
Hot dropping will get you kill most of the times, and more and more time spend outside of the fighting(which should be the main focus), because of the choosing legend, loading times, dropping, looting, finding a team and so on.
Again if someone missed, check this as well:
Game was totally ruined. RIP.
@LordloshBangyou just have to look more around before entering an open field. It's not that bad. I like it. I hate it the other way around, but I've played 5 seasons and was not complaining. Now it's different, accept it.
That's life.
PUBG, Warzone, have also a shorter TTK, and still, 1000's of people are still playing it.
Adopt, change your play style. Thats what makes the game more interesting, it's not only a MAP change that counts.
@II-LAZZARUS-II wrote:@LordloshBangyou just have to look more around before entering an open field. It's not that bad. I like it. I hate it the other way around, but I've played 5 seasons and was not complaining. Now it's different, accept it.
That's life.
PUBG, Warzone, have also a shorter TTK, and still, 1000's of people are still playing it.
Adopt, change your play style. Thats what makes the game more interesting, it's not only a MAP change that counts.
That won`t help, cause you` cant look everywhere, and the guy could not be there, but show in a second and will tear you apart.
You can`t do this on open world-map, your going to destroy the game.
Thats why Warzone have so much camping. You can`t do this in Apex tho.
Every single pro of this game is just furious.
The game is trash now.
Enjoy this:
From reddit:
New TTL is awesome.
Now maybe people will stop running in a line straight at their enemies while holding down the trigger on their super soaker.
i want to see even more gun buffs in fact. Learn to work together as a team, learn how to be aware and move and close. And reward those who land shots, not use tracer aiming of rapid fire paintball guns.