5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
This game has become unplayable. The introduction of the new map (which needs a lot of quality of life updates, ie the invisible wall ontop of the house near Lava Fissure), charge rifle, SBMM, and increased bullet size for snipers / shotguns has destroyed the balance the game had during previous seasons. Also the Ranked point system needs to be re-worked as it brick walls you once you reach your peak. I get its supposed to be hard to obtain higher ranks but I shouldn't be able to breeze through bronze, silver, gold, in a week and get brick walled at platinum forever. Not sure if its the SBMM but I feel like I'm constantly getting dropped into lobbies with lower level players on my team. If I'm dropping in a platinum lobby why am I getting paired with people of lower rank (gold or silver) and facing platinum opponents? Doesn't seem to make sense and the whole game has lost its charm from the previous seasons due to it. Also as stated earlier the map seems to have all sorts of issues with movement and invisible walls. Not to mention its too large of a map and due to its size required the guns to be rebalanced and its never been right since. After playing this game from Day 1, literally the morning it released, I have unfortunately deleted it. I might be back if they acknowledge their mistakes but I dont think they will. Maybe they'll pull a fortnite and say "alright we messed up time for a redux" but I doubt it. I feel like I'm watching the beginning of the end. As stated above this is basically fortnite season 7, they added a whole bunch of crap thats unnecessary and theres only a few select weapons that you can use and be competitive as they are overpowered. If I wanted to play fortnite I would still play fortnite which now that this game has jumped the shark I might go back to. The current state of the game sucks.
If respawn wants to save Apex from complete death, she must take this new patch and permanently delete it.
All weapons are equally useful now, because what matters now is being the first to start shooting. Most of weapons are too easy to use: Havoc, Volt, R-301, Devotion, Spitfire, and this also contributes to decrease the TTK. The Devotion had to remain in the care package, it is a gun that ruin the game. The new armors are ridiculous. The mix of gun and armor changes, made the TTK completely horrible. Now you can't react or reposition yourself in the fight (a feature that has made fans addicted to this game). This things made this game more a "shoot first and win" and less a "use your skill and your brain and win the game".