@KelRiever That's totally one side of it, personally I actually love Apex for the fact that guns didn't do as much damage. I'm not huge into shooters but I've played quite a few - CS:GO, Rainbow Six Siege, and PUBG mainly - all of which have their own take on the genre. Something like Rainbow Six Siege is incredibly skill-based because it doesn't take much to kill you at all - like what you're saying you'd like to see in Apex. I enjoy R6, but I'm awful at shooters so I just get obliterated, which isn't as fun, for me. Whereas with something like Apex, even if I'm not great at shooters and would probably peak at Silver if I played Ranked, I can still land hits on people, deal damage, and kill people.
The more damage the weapons deal, the faster you die, the more genuine skill plays a part in how well you do. Which is rewarding for people who are actually good at shooters. But it also means those of us who aren't good at shooters get left behind a bit, which can be discouraging.
Neither philosophy is right or wrong, it's just different opinions, but I personally would enjoy the game more if it stayed where guns did less and you could take more.