5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
Apex legends is in a state, I personally had high hopes for season 6 and was really looking forward to a new map (since it was teased in the quest), a fun new gun, some meta changes, some deserved nerfs and buffs (in my opinion rev and caustic are way to op and lifelines Rez needs a Cooldown. Path also needs a buff) and the most important one I thought game updates!!!! Just something we get nothing each season after the first 2 weeks is completely dead. For example we got 2 LTMs last season, really 2?. I think we need updated each week or 2 weeks. Anyway none of these thinks happened and you actually made everything worse some how.
First of all the ttk, its a complete joke you can die within a second energy weapons are very op they need to be limited. Even care packaged like the devotion it belongs in the care package the game was so fun not getting complete annihilated by a devo (unless it was care packaged because it wasn’t likely) but it’s just a complete joke now.
the armour situation,
just put it back. It really is as simple as that there was no problems with armour. I have actually as long as I have played this game have seen anyone complain about armour. I sometimes wonder where the devs get there ideas from because it is definitely not player feedback it is just random stuff most of the time that no one asked for at all.
the R-99,
it is in the game for a reason it’s the best. But not deserving of the transition to a care package weapon. It worked completely for 5 season and everyone loved it!!! SO WHY CHANGE IT. I really don’t get it.
please fix your game and fix it quick because people hate this.
yea for what ever reason respawn made a lot of changes that no one asked for.