5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
Imagine playing Master rank game and the server disconnects you for no reason and then gives you a * penalty for quiting like wtf bryh i i just lost 100+ RP for this stupid * server issues And i wonder why im still playing and putting effort to grind predator like [Admin - Removed]
I've basically lost the desire to play Apex anymore. I used to play pretty much every day from season 1 launch but I'm just bored with it now. The time it takes to go from queuing for a match, then legend selection & champion screen, then dropping is annoying now. The character emotes only make it worse. When your jumpmaster insists on jumping right behind 3 teams so that you get insta-killed - you've just wasted 10 minutes of my time.
I have had some matches that were so epic they were cinematic, with daring escapes and heroic rescues and winning against long odds - and the hope of such a match happening again is what makes me come back.
Something is up with the servers or client-side registration or whatever, but I can go from getting 7 or 8 kills in a match to getting 0, doing the exact same tactics and (at least on my screen) using the same weapons and shooting my targets in the same place. It makes me think the game gives you priority in the first few matches and then shifts you to the back of the queue the longer you play. There's no rhyme or reason.
I'm just not having as much fun anymore so I am playing once a week at the most. I hate listening to most of the legends' dialogue because it's either intentionally grating or trying super hard to be menacing and evil - and both options are just lame. The frivolity of Pathfinder and Mirage at least make it funny. I don't need to hear Rampart, Revenant, Gibraltar, or Caustic utter another word again, ever.
The changes in the maps for Season 6 brought some newness to proceedings, and trying out Rampart's mini gun was fun but now I think that character is more of a liability on your team than asset, unless you want to just camp. I don't know if it's me or the game but I feel like I've pretty much covered every blade of grass in both maps and played every combination of things.
I think to freshen things up they need more than a new character, they need a new mechanic, a new way of playing, plus adding in layers of unpredictability. Seeing Pathfinder do his steam whistle dive emote or hearing Gibraltar do his big stupid laugh is making me want to delete the game. A new map would always freshen things up.
When I played online deathmatch games there were 8-10 maps in regular rotation and some of those I grew to hate. Even on Titanfall 1, but there was enough variation in those maps that the game play was different with each map. Titanfall 2 came up with the Gumby-slide mechanic and changed forever how I want a character to move around a map, but the slow drive towards a singularity of Apex + Call of Duty + Fort Nite is not interesting. I'm at the point where if someone wants to drop at a certain LZ I'm already giving up.
The quest for Loba's machine offered up some fun changes, even if it was just fighting bot monsters. I think having to sync with your teammates and hoping they don't suck and that if they run away they'll come back or hoping that they revive/respawn you while you wait and watch the timer drain away - it's feeling like my life is draining away. I think I want to find something more like the Titanfall 2 online world where you just respawn in after you get killed and you play solo. The squad based thing is awesome when it works but I'm finding lately an influx of bad teammates who jump solo and just disappear then you have to listen to their "I'm downed, could use a little help" cries.
Sorry if it's just me.