To Respawn devs:
This game has core issues and your making skins?!!!!
here is my thought of playing 5hr a day for a month:
fights should be private, so you dont get 3rd party or 4th or 5th party... world's edge is a bad map in term of beauty and visual effects, it feels like it's sunday afternoon and you have to go to work tomorrow.
EU / Middle East servers are laggy.
i dont understand why there is a sun in the sky, hurts my eyes which is sad, why would you add sun effects?!!!!!
story for characters?!!!! doesnt matter if i lose my 1v1s and 3v3 fights, so yea if you balance weapons weekly i feel much better than releasing stories each week.
mastiv, devo, hemlok, prowler are way too op, caustic is op and sad... wraith and pathfinder are still op after 10x nerfs, this is sad.
holy bloodhund outclasses every other supports like even the op lifeline, show cases the scanning concept is a bad cocept for the game.
if i'm playing ranked and ppl pick lampart/luba/watson/mirage/crypto/gibi I just dont to play the game, these are trash slow characters...
events are boring, holy i can't believe that...
and the worst issue, matchmaking system!!!!!!! which is not a system, it's a bad win/KDR based SBM algorithm, so so so sad that i get teammates that are worse than me when im already a noob and we play players that have many kills and experiences. this is not fun for better players too...
ppl are talking about the next season, if these issues are not fixed in the next season i'll go back to COD, at least their devs listen to their community ...