5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
Agreeable that match-making isn't so good and actual as I am silver ranking but I played with a gold rank higher player OmO 🙂 cries
when a lot of people swear and scolding other players most like some cyber bullying thing here
Lame, I mention how you can advance cross play, and make it so PC players who prefer to play with controllers who cant compete against mouse and keyboard, who ARE MORE LIKELY TO PLAY UR COMPETITION.
Which based on queue times has happened, oh i see I mentioned the competitions name.
Well let me repost my suggestion. and I'll use COMPETITOR instead of other video games names.
A PC Player should be allowed to play in console lobbies, it should not be locked to PC. This Cross Play is definately for PS4 to XBOX, not console to PC.
Which is weird as your QUEUE issue is on PC, not on console, and the price of a console is half a PC, so its far easier to have both consoles making cross-play in this adaption, a giant redundancy.
I see you say "Our most requested feature" but only actually finally work on implementing it, (BETA as of 10/6/2020) when you realize your competition is now ahead of you due to that one feature.
I get it, Aim-Assist doesn't exist in Apex Legends, therefor unlike your competition you are not able to analyze how you should implement this. SO FAR you did a good job, EXCEPT. You discriminated against PC players who play FPS with controller. Why is it the game doesn't detect my input but rather my os? You thought that was smart? This is why your competition is doing much better. If I choose a controller in a different particular game, thats far more popular than Apex, it locked me from switching or using my keyboard and mouse, until I'm in the game lobby and can change it back in Game Options. Cannot be done in game while loading a game or queueing for a game. Allowing me to play in Console Lobbies as a XBOX PLAYER, as PC is XBOX u r-* (don't believe me open Microsoft Store on Win10, type Xbox) Take a note from your superiors, implement it like this. PS4 and Xbox have different FOV, different Graphics, yet you act like they are the same, then act like you can't lock FOV on PC if you choose to play with a controller in console lobbies. You realize how lazy that is? After how many years you had time to modify your modules to include this feature?
If I use a controller I am now just as handicapped as a console player.
Except for FOV and FPS, which in that case you can create a option to lock everything to console specifics seeing how you think any tournament would ever be cross play (seriously Apex is the hugest casual played game ever and your treating it like every game out of ranked should be treated like a MLG game battle locking in specific consoles like your competitors.)
So honestly, if you don't re-vamp this, I'm sure the reason I came back on pc this month, and many other people, are going to simply walk away. The queue time is way to long on PC. Sure you will succeed on Console, but for how long? Your competition made it very clear they are going after you in the Free To Play battle royal market, and honestly have done it better, more players, more customization more skins, more avatars, more everything, I don't see you holding up if you can't make game changing moves to expand the lifespan of Apex Legends.
P.S. no one was impressed that you reduced the maps sizes rather than increase player count in games.
to create an illusion of a more populated map.