Middle East Server.
First hand i would like to Applaud on the great job you guys have done to produce this astonishing game, Never the less i would beg of you ( i will literally get on my knees and beg ), Every single BR game that I've played I've been experiencing this issue, ( not only me EVERY other player in the Middle east ).
Middle Eastern gamers feel like they are being overlooked, left to play with more challenges due to the fact that there are no servers close to us in this region. It causes a major delay that has a significant impact on game play .
The game is so good that i would like to enjoy it on the full extent,. SO strait to the point.
1. The Game PING for people in the middle east is never less than 70 ( 70 on a good day probably when have the globe is asleep )
2. Shots are not registering
3. The delay is real and ruins the competitiveness in the game
“If you are far away from the server, you will have some sort of delay in your game so pro players which are closer to the servers will have an advantage over us,That is why we need a server to match with people who has the same ping as us.”
Every game i expect it to be better but the sad truth is it wont i have over 150+ hours on the game, Most of my friends are on it ( recommended by myself ) .
I seriously get on twitch and watch the streams play and envy how they play on so low PING.
SO if i heard it correct you guys Using Amazon server hosting, the closest Amazon Server is In the Island of Bahrain + It's cheap ( i did the research ).
Trust me just by getting ME servers it will encourage an entourage of people to play ( who doesn't want to play on a BR game with less than 20 PING ).
Please do this ASAP , Get ME servers and don't give us fake promises.
Regards : Mattar