Olympus is definitely nice to look at, great colors - stunning for sure. Playing it....well that is a different story. I play pex about 4 hours a day on working days and between 6-8 hrs a day on days off, (yeah ok, sounds sad I know.) But that tells you how much I enjoy this game. Even when I lose, I have fun. On Olympus, I have won matches and didn't have fun and didn't enjoy myself.
Number one issue for me is loot! the loot distribution is disgusting to say the least. I landed Estate, went through 6 count em, 6 of the outter buildings in an oval....not a single gun, not even a P20 - one box of light ammo. Guess what I did find though? Yup, thermite grenades, a common helmet and endless common knock down shields. Not even one single common shield in 6 of those buildings.
Its frustrating....in trios, squads tend to land together to support each other and to have a better chance at coming out of a drop alive. However, there isn't enough loot in most buildings for one person, never mind 3 - not including any other teams that may also land in your building. My squad landed together in one building to find one weapon to share between three guys and not one single common body shield. Now, the building beside us had one purple shield, and two blue shields and all within feet apart also a spitfire, flatline, r301, hemlock and a volt plus a blue back pack???? WTF? Do we know the definition of Loot distribution? Why? - one squad comes out of a drop with one member with a P20 the other 2 have nothing, all 3 of you have no common body shield and now you have to face a team with purple and blue shield and each wielding a good weapon. Game over man!
The worst part is after you land and find no gun, no ammo and no shield....you now have anywhere from 300 to 1000 yards to go to get to another building that MAY have loot. With no cover in between. Running in a straight line through endless open fields as far as the eye can see is pointless, frustrating and just plain - no fun!
I played duos with my son, we landed in Hydroponics - had the entire area to ourselves to loot. Went through every building, above and below ground as well as the surrounding buildings and loot bins. I came out of the entire area, best gun for me I found was a alternator with only enough light ammo to fire 3 clips with no extended mag. Again that entire area, less that 60 rounds of light ammo!
Going back and fourth from WE to Olympus is literally like night and day. The difference is so noticeable that it is actually comical.
On average in Olympus, before the end of the first ring closer there is only 10 squads or less left. Choke points are pathetic and funnel everyone into the same place usual at the same time. Also...why can I hear a guy underneath me below ground 200 yards north, but I cant hear the guy sprinting up behind me to melee me in the back of the head??
Seems like about 35% of Olympus is just wasted empty space with out even a loot bin in sight. Another 10% or more is dead zone to fall to your death. This map promotes camping and just all around gutless play style. I consider myself a decent player, my main is Lifeline and I have 464 wins with her. I cant generate a high kill, high damage map in Olympus to save my life, no matter what style of play I resort to.
I have bought every battle pass since the game launched in 2019 - not because I liked what was in the battle pass, most of the time the rewards are anything but. I buy them to show my support to the people that work dam hard at making a game I grew to love just out of respect. I love the game, they deserve my money hands down! However, with that being said... If Season 8 is built around Olympus, it will be the first time I will not show my support and buy the battle pass. I cannot justify buying it when the game now makes me angry, frustrated, sad and just down right disappointed. Sorry Respawn. I really wanted to love the map....unfortunately - I cannot. I have logged ridiculous hrs on Olympus and I just can't.
Please pull it for now and fix the obvious issues. The amount of negative feedback everywhere, every site, pros, noobs and so on doesn't lie. It has issues....add more loot, fill the massive gaping holes in the map, equal out the high ground to low, change some of the choke points etc.... and then return it. It cant stay the way it is. For now I do the same as others have posted here. I turn on the game, if Olympus is on, I check the amount of time remaining, turn it off and find something else to do. I play WE in its entirety and once Olympus returns - I close the application.
I heard Olympus was pulled for qualifier matches and tournaments? Not sure if this is true, but from what I read it was a * show and noticed right away. I read that Qualifiers and tournaments were moved to WE until further notice? If that is true.... what does that tell you? What does that tell us? That Olympus isn't good enough for the pros to play but for us regular players and below - it is good enough?
Maybe you can try something like - instead of rotating Olympus and WE, allow your gamers to choose which map they would like to play. Not for good - make it a trial...do it for a couple weeks. At the end of the 2 weeks, check the percentage of play for both maps and compare. Numbers don't lie, thus will give you an idea of what people like and don't like or prefer. Maybe I am wrong and the majority prefers Olympus over WE/KC. If I am wrong then I apologize. If it seems to work out and queue times don't increase - Then could we please consider this as an option?
For now, when I can play is dictated by which map is on rotation. kinda sucks for a game I usually cant wait to play!
Just my thoughts and opinions - and who the hell am I? Nobody - I get it : )
Later gamers