@Sir_Named Yeah, I get what you are saying, maybe 7-9 seconds might be to long, but 5-6 would be good to say cut off a route or block a door to get a chance to reposition or help a squad mate escape and then the enemy has to decide if the penalty is worth the kill. Hence why a little more one time damage ( still less damage than say passing through gas or two layers of Wattson fence) but the 1hp ticks are more to let you kind of track directional movement of enemy that get hit so if you wanted to push them since they are silenced, because I forgot to include a number five someone else on here mention it should have.
5. Silences all pings and quips.
Really break squad synergy for the length of the silence and not calling for a increase the silenced time just make it more devastating to be silenced. Perhaps 11hp if you get hit and 5 ticks of 1hp shadow damage if you pass through it.