Forum Discussion

Gr4ndeFPS's avatar
Rising Novice
14 days ago

Solo q player appreciation

Apex Legends has the ability to track all sorts of player stats.  Why not recognize your player base who play this game solo? Especially ranked leagues. Players that literally go against pro stacks and stacks that keep having the advantage against teams that consists of solo players. Respawn already made the mistake years ago by catering Apex Legends to teams that play as premade and lost the important player base that grow tired of getting farmed by three stacks. Game almost died. Has Respawn even thought about awarding solo queue players with a Solo Q banner for example? The game could easily track the points players get when they jump into games solo. After the season you would get rewarded with some sort of banner or tracker. Would probably make players grind both stack and solo ranks more.

Just my two cents. The changes for this season were quite interesting but there is very little incentives for a player like me to  keep on playing the game. At least as solo.


3 Replies

  • I solo queue daily and yea it’s hell. You’ll have the teammates bar maxed and still get the most horrendous team like even at diamond I’m getting ppl who don’t know how to play or when to push or not to push it’s just not fun. Personally I don’t want a banner I want rank points if you solo que you should get more points or something. I mean even pubs I’ll get good teammates drop 10+ kills than back to having the worst teammates I’ve ever seen it just doesn’t make any sense lvl 400 diamond and getting ppl who don’t know how to play at all. Complete disadvantage yet they cater to 3 stacks

  • Gr4ndeFPS's avatar
    Rising Novice
    13 days ago

    I completely agree. A solo queue multiplier for kp should have been implemented long long time ago. One thing solo players also deal with is sitting in broken MM where you drop as duo or solo, back out and go back to lobby. Happens way too often and is complete waste of time. "Looks like you played handicapped here is XXX (xp etc.) as compensation." I don´t know. Just food for thought.

    What I meant by my post was that a banner, tracker or whatever would show solo player base that Respawn is actually looking into this and taking the first steps. It just looks to me like after six years the time is running out. Maybe Respawns focus is already somewhere else and these bigger TTK changes etc. are just a desperate last ditch efforts while they could solve core issues that drive players away from the game. 

  • grannyplayz's avatar
    New Rookie
    20 hours ago

    I’m ready to play any other game it just gets annoying playing solo and getting smacked by all pred team when your teammates don’t know how to play and that’s pubs💀 I mean **bleep** even ranked is the same way.  My thing is if I have the teammate bar maxed why do I get braindead teammates? Like diamond rank yet getting ppl who push solo or leave instantly it’s just not fun

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