6 years ago
Sbmm is broken
I understand not wanting to scare off new players by feeding them to the wolves immediately, but the sbmm algorithm you guys have implemented is absolutely terrible. It's made the game a sweat fest o...
Honestly idk anymore I can only play half the week between the time im off and back on I always come back with really bad aim and it takes me awhile to get my aim back but once I do i start getting kills again I know I suck but its been putting me in with nubs lmao like level 15-30s every match I may suck but Im not that bad I just got 9 kills and won the game as kill leader for the first time since I started apex and it was a duo vs 3 the whole game i think SBMM halfway works but not entirely im just assuming Ive lost so much to be matched with nubs but last week I was matched with apex predators everyday when I was getting kills so it works but either too low level players or too much not that perfect in between honestly Im just happy for that Apex Predator Badge on Gibralter
Not that I'm saying u dont deserve the chance to win, but a player with minimal time invested and rusty should not be rewarded with easy matchmaking. That makes the people who are less invested in the game happy. To have a stable playerbase, there has to be a reward for skill players. Otherwise, why would anyone take the time to get better. The logic behind nerfing/limiting the high skill is wrong. This is the same problem that led to the death of fortnite. This problem frequently occurs in games
-regular players get dramatically better having adjusted to game mechanics
-infrequent players struggle to remain competitive
-game strives to keep infrequent players
-subsequently loses main player base in process
The way to keep the player base is by introducing new game play mechanics that dramatically change the meta of a game. In a sense, you need to leave all players clueless without changing existing systems. This will create a new learning curve that everyone experiences. Punishing skill players is the death of regular player base
You mean change the meta and deal with extreme backlash and abuse for the community. No SBMM doesn't give anyone a "easier" game it allows them to play people at there skill level. Why is that hard to understand people. Maybe it's still just as hard, but not fair, and gives one an opportunity to have some enjoyment in the game. And I wouldn't say FN is dead by any stretch of the meaning games level out but kids are still gonna be playing that game for years and Apex isn't gonna die anytime soon either because you have to play with others within your ability. ☺️
great job your suggesting that the game should only serve the people that are pros and that new players are there too be farmed, awesome solution…