6 years ago
Sbmm is broken
I understand not wanting to scare off new players by feeding them to the wolves immediately, but the sbmm algorithm you guys have implemented is absolutely terrible. It's made the game a sweat fest o...
Not that I'm saying u dont deserve the chance to win, but a player with minimal time invested and rusty should not be rewarded with easy matchmaking. That makes the people who are less invested in the game happy. To have a stable playerbase, there has to be a reward for skill players. Otherwise, why would anyone take the time to get better. The logic behind nerfing/limiting the high skill is wrong. This is the same problem that led to the death of fortnite. This problem frequently occurs in games
-regular players get dramatically better having adjusted to game mechanics
-infrequent players struggle to remain competitive
-game strives to keep infrequent players
-subsequently loses main player base in process
The way to keep the player base is by introducing new game play mechanics that dramatically change the meta of a game. In a sense, you need to leave all players clueless without changing existing systems. This will create a new learning curve that everyone experiences. Punishing skill players is the death of regular player base