6 years ago
Sbmm is broken
I understand not wanting to scare off new players by feeding them to the wolves immediately, but the sbmm algorithm you guys have implemented is absolutely terrible. It's made the game a sweat fest o...
Everyone keeps complaining about SBMM (Skill Based Match Making) and asking the devs to remove it, but as far as I can tell there is no SBMM, or if it does exist it's completely non-functional because most complaints are about high-level players and teams destroying lower-level players in non-ranked games. If SBMM existed and was working properly this should never happen unless the high-level players were playing with a smurf account.
I'm also very frustrated with non-ranked matches. Whenever my brother and I, who are both platinum, join a non-ranked lobby it seems 90% of the time we get grouped up with some inexperienced random who proceeded to run into firefights solo while we're still 200+ meters away, or solo-drops on the other side of the map, and/or dies as soon as we encounter the enemy and promptly quits. It's easy to tell they're low-skill players are being mismatched with us, doing neither of us any favors.
Typical match is we'll hop into a non-ranked lobby, get a level 10 player new to the game on our team, land on the outskirts of Capitol, encounter another squad who promptly kills our teammate (who usually quits right away) and then proceeds to steamroll us. Looking at the enemy stats after death it's a pre-made squad each with over 10k kills and hammer and predator emblems. We don't actually mind competition but it's extremely frustrating when our team members probably have a dozen or so hours in the game total and we're matched up against a coordinated squad of Predator level players.
Again, if SBMM existed or was functioning properly this should never happen.
I never experienced any noticeable SBMM from S1 up to this weekend. But when me and my friend were playing yesterday, it was crazy.. We played at least 15 games and every single match was super stacked. At least 60% of the drop trails were either Predator or Diamond, and everyone at the server was clearly skilled above average. Every time we died and looked at our killer squads banners, they always had high dmg badges and 5-10k kills etc. Even our third random was "good" in every single game which definitely was unusual.
So it seems like Respawn did something with the matchmaking this weekend and I honestly dont know how this will turn out... Im all for fair competition in games like CS, LoL, Quake etc but BR is something else, and especially such a fast fps and somewhat "rng" BR as Apex. To put it simply: to play a "casual" BR match of Apex where literally everyone at the server is in the 2-5 K/D skill level isnt that much fun. If I wanted that, I would have played ranked.
My K/D is 2.6 but my premade friend is like lvl 90 and about 0.6 K/D (he struggled to even get 100 dmg each match so not so fun for him or me) so it seems like the supposed matchmaking is using the "best" player int the groups MMR.
So IF the matchmaking is what you referred to as " functioning as intended " then I get the reason why, but I think its the wrong way to go. This means that people will start to get more picky about who they play with to stand a chance. This was a clear trend in my Discord channel when ranked started; all super good players grouped together and refused to play ranked with anyone not as good, and all "good" players did the same with other "good" etc etc. I would just hate if this is gonna happen to causal, because causal is supposed to be just that; causal.
We have the option of two modes, casual, once again supposed to be casual, and ranked where you will be matched against equally skilled players. Why make casual like ranked?
We know that the MMR distribution is normal distributed, which should mean that the MMR of the players of any given match queue is normal distributed. So I think the matchmaking should randomly pick players from that normal distribution. This would lead to an average match where most people are the same skill level, i.e around the average, and just very few super good and every few super bad players.