Forum Discussion
"They're obviously hardcore, but also the type of people that drop thousands into the game on cosmetics. That's why it's important for Respawn to cater to both casual and hardcore players. "
While that's true, that's also a fast way to kill the player base and make both sides leave the game. All it needs is the "casual" player to get tired of being moving targets and move to the next game and suddenly the "hardcore" that only wants easy kills will not have people to kill and will also leave.
Sure EA can make this, and to be fair with their past that will be the route, but for the game itself that's a terrible move. Now if it's a terrible business move... well that i don't know.
I have always said SBMM should never be in MP games but I strongly believe it needs to be in Battle Royales.
- 7 years ago
Late to the party but:
Thx a lot VindictiVagabond for trying to improve the AL experience for all of us. I am Level 30 right now and I do not enjoy playing Apex anymore and it hurts. I really love this game but it´s just not fun anymore. It feels good to read that there are so many more players like me, who think about giving this game a break until it gets a proper SBMM.
All the important arguments have been pointed out (comparisons to things like football/hockey leagues and other competitions) and community managers are real aware of this problem.
Like others mentioned, I am 40 years old, married, two kids and working full time. I cannot (and don´t want) to play this game for hours and hours a day. Putting me into a lobby with dedicated hardcore players is like trying to learn something by competing with Usain Bolt in an athletics competition.
I know this sounds like "crying" for a lot of players, but I have over 30 years of gaming experience and I started multiplayer with BF1942. I am quiet decent in shooter games and I really enjoy some competition, but I really think this fantastic game should be enjoyable for everybody.
- 7 years ago
Average university student here with part time job. Getting extremely frustrated of dying to nolifers with 10 to 15 times (on a single legend) my amount of kills (account wide). I don't mind losing or dying when the fight is fair, but being instantly dropped is not fun and you can't learn from that anyway.
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