Forum Discussion
I have always said SBMM should never be in MP games but I strongly believe it needs to be in Battle Royales.
Late to the party but:
Thx a lot VindictiVagabond for trying to improve the AL experience for all of us. I am Level 30 right now and I do not enjoy playing Apex anymore and it hurts. I really love this game but it´s just not fun anymore. It feels good to read that there are so many more players like me, who think about giving this game a break until it gets a proper SBMM.
All the important arguments have been pointed out (comparisons to things like football/hockey leagues and other competitions) and community managers are real aware of this problem.
Like others mentioned, I am 40 years old, married, two kids and working full time. I cannot (and don´t want) to play this game for hours and hours a day. Putting me into a lobby with dedicated hardcore players is like trying to learn something by competing with Usain Bolt in an athletics competition.
I know this sounds like "crying" for a lot of players, but I have over 30 years of gaming experience and I started multiplayer with BF1942. I am quiet decent in shooter games and I really enjoy some competition, but I really think this fantastic game should be enjoyable for everybody.
- 7 years ago
Average university student here with part time job. Getting extremely frustrated of dying to nolifers with 10 to 15 times (on a single legend) my amount of kills (account wide). I don't mind losing or dying when the fight is fair, but being instantly dropped is not fun and you can't learn from that anyway.
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