Forum Discussion
For instance, In LoL, approximately 60% of the player base is silver and bronze, which I consider "bad", 7.6% is platinum, which I consider "good" and only 2.5% is Diamond or better, which I consider Very Good to Pro.
So assuming they would apply any form of matchmaking that actually would make a real different for the player experience, this means that good to pro players would have to wait forever to fill up a server.
I personally think they should avoid splitting the player base. Imagine if they add solo and duo modes + 1-2 new maps. Add MMR matchmaking to this and voila: 10 minute matchmaking time unless you are a bad player.
@Babbediboopi That wouldn`t happen because in LOL every match is at least 15 minutes and 10 players are stuck there. In Apex most players are out of the match within 5 minutes. With that said i believe in a very loose ladder, instead of a clear rank system like in LOL. We don`t need to be evenly matched in skill because it`s not a team x team game. is a team x 19 others teams. That said putting dizzy against the average joe is just wrong.
A better view would be Iron until bronze being one tier, silver to gold being another and anything above gold being the last tier.
In skill sense i would put myself in gold or slighly above gold. I have a shot against people like shroud, small but i have. With a proper squad the chances of me facing him and winning increase. Because the situation can turn into a 3x1 easily with some strategy and luck.
But when i'm matched with people lvl 10 and he is in a full squad in the same game my chances reduce close to 0. And the same goes for anyone that isn't in a full squad and isn't lucky to get a good squad.
And i'm not going to argue about people worse than me, the poor guys are just aim training for him.
- 6 years ago
Even if you are correct that many of the players in each match leaves and goes for another game within the first minutes, you still have to consider the fact that every match requires 6 times the players compared to LoL.
Now add my main argument to that; imagine if they start to add more maps, lets say just one more, which we assume is equally popular for arguments sake. Also assume that more game modes are added, like solo and duo, which we also assume is equally popular. Just by these assumptions have we split the active players at a given moment in four. Now also consider that the number of active players varies greatly on each server depending on time.
Now lastly add the suggested mmr based matchmaking system to that. Like I said in my original comment, pretty much all skill based games has a MMR distribution that is bell curved (normal distribution) with its mean center quite low (the center is somewhere between bronze and silver in LoL for instance). Only the 97th percentile of the entire player base is diamond or higher!
And the main argument for the OP was to avoid forcing the average Joe to play against highly skilled people like Shroud, which means that the MMR matchmaking cant be soft. So if we add all some factors together, I am pretty sure that it would literally take FOREVER for a guy like Shroud to find a match with 60 players, and literally impossible during non-prime time hours.- 6 years ago
You are making it too complicated. Instead of a hard SBMM system just sort the players. Make a algorithm that gives everyone a rating based on which ever stats they want like kills, wins, accuracy, time alive...whatever they deem important then sort the players based on that. Last night there were 2000+ people in the que when I qued up so take that 2000+ and put the 60 top rated players in one lobby, next highest 60 in the next lobby and so on, then if there solo's or duo's in the lobby put the highest rated solo player with the lowest rated solo or duo and keep matching like that until everyone is in a group. This way you are playing against people roughly of your rating and no one has to wait longer than anyone else for a que pop.
- 6 years ago
Still waiting for the expected and common feature there guys
- 6 years ago
@Babbediboopi Apex got 50 million players, that would make with your numbers from LoL (which seem to me quite skewed towards the low end, are those official numbers? I only know from Overwatch that the median there is between gold and Platinum) 1.25 million players that are Diamond or better.
It's been reported there have been up to 2 million players concurrently, if we assume concurrent players are an even distribution of the whole player base, that's 50000 players Diamond or better playing at the same time. Enough to fill 833 lobbies.
Considering however, that the highest echelon of players are people who play for like 8 hours a day while the normal casual player probably plays an hour or two on occasion instead, it's safe to say that they're even overrepresented in the concurrent players, so a higher percentage of the concurrent players being high skill players than the percentage of the whole playerbase.
Considering matchmaking in another game I play, Rocket League, takes at worst 30 seconds for me to find 5 other players when there's 12000 players online total, finding a lobby of 59 with 50000 (or realistically more) players that are in your skill range and hundreds of thousands that are at least somewhere in the vicinity should not take unreasonably long.
- 6 years ago
@stevencloser According to, 2.82% of NA player base was diamond or better. To be honest, I cant find if these are Riots official numbers and I dont know how trustworthy statista.
And maybe isnt LoL´s MMR distribution even comparable to games like Apex and Overwatch in the first place.
Anyways, I put my faith in the guys at Respawn to figure these things out. Im just saying that I think its generally a bad idea to divide the match queue if its possible to avoid it. We see this problem in PUBG right now where the less populated servers has problem to even find enough players, which force players onto high ping servers in other regions, and even in the big regions like NA and EU, it can take forever to find a match on the least popular maps, this with no (as far as I know) mmr matchmaking.I understand why people would want mmr based matchmaking in Apex, but I wonder how many minutes of extra waiting between matches they would be willing to pay for this. I think one thing that makes Apex less frustrating compared to PUBG is how fast you can be in another game if your squad got eliminated.
- 6 years ago
@TrueDivinorium wrote:@Babbediboopi That wouldn`t happen because in LOL every match is at least 15 minutes and 10 players are stuck there. In Apex most players are out of the match within 5 minutes. With that said i believe in a very loose ladder, instead of a clear rank system like in LOL. We don`t need to be evenly matched in skill because it`s not a team x team game. is a team x 19 others teams. That said putting dizzy against the average joe is just wrong.
A better view would be Iron until bronze being one tier, silver to gold being another and anything above gold being the last tier.
In skill sense i would put myself in gold or slighly above gold. I have a shot against people like shroud, small but i have. With a proper squad the chances of me facing him and winning increase. Because the situation can turn into a 3x1 easily with some strategy and luck.
But when i'm matched with people lvl 10 and he is in a full squad in the same game my chances reduce close to 0. And the same goes for anyone that isn't in a full squad and isn't lucky to get a good squad.
And i'm not going to argue about people worse than me, the poor guys are just aim training for him.
I never had to wait 10 mins to qeue in LoL. You must be exaggerating. I'm also always skeptical when people in other games say banning quitters is not fair since real life happens and matches are long. Then I refer to LoL which has hour long matches and they actually do ban quitters in pubs and its only helped its playerbase.
If you feel so strongly about being able to quit and jump into matches fast, Why not just have a ranked queue with a skill matcher and an unranked queue for the impatient casuals? Even though LoL and overwatch don't need to do this...
I always say the community starts in the pubs. If the pubs are not respected by players, the game itself will not be respected.
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