Forum Discussion
What about solo or duo so we're not always forced to play with terrible teammates when we don't have 2 friends on? 🙂 It makes playing incredibly frustrating.
Devs are aware of the disparity between skill levels and they also know that it can brings the worst out of each other. They are discussing about this regularly and I'm sure they will implement some changes and features at some point.
- 6 years ago
I really hope so. Coming out with cosmetics and hitbox changes were some of the least of my concerns as it's difficult for me to have fun in a currently team only game when my teammates always seems to struggle to do 100 combined damage before dying. The OPTION of having an elo based match making or at least a solo and duo mode should be mandatory. Season 1 felt like a slap in the face honestly. Maybe people care about cosmetics most???To me not having the beginning of rounds lag and having a fun to play semi competitive environment should be higher priorities than cosmetics.
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