7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Solo mode would be nice, i do not want to play with strangers. Alone i'm much stronger, other players are a millstone around my neck!
Unbelievable. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY WITH STRANGERS! Is it really so hard for you to find friends or a clan to play with?
That's the reason why they shouldn't implement solo/duo modes. Snip
[CM Edit - Play nice]
Firebird, I find it hard to believe that you have real life friends outside of the video game world if this is how you talk to everyone. Some people don't want the same things as you. That's the way the world is. Grow up. Btw, you're arguing is pointless because the team has already mentioned that they're going to add this. Haha.
@Itsahuman wrote:Firebird, I find it hard to believe that you have real life friends outside of the video game world if this is how you talk to everyone. Some people don't want the same things as you. That's the way the world is. Grow up. Btw, you're arguing is pointless because the team has already mentioned that they're going to add this. Haha.
Once again. haven't seen a single post saying that devs will add solo/duo. Can you give a link?
@firebird-gabr1eL wrote:Unbelievable. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY WITH STRANGERS! Is it really so hard for you to find friends or a clan to play with?
That's the reason why they shouldn't implement solo/duo modes. Snip
[CM Edit - Play nice]
TO find people at your own skill level. To play with at any time. yes, it is too hard for most of us. Even hard for alot of streamers apparently.
The game is dying fast, and the main reason is people can't stand playing with random bot teamates. Its torture.
I don't care about solos if the game at least has some ranked matchmaker based on avg placement.
Nothing is stopping a solo or duo mode. Even if the characters are designed for teams of 3, just like other games, Apex can offer modes they don’t bother balancing fir if players want them badly enough.
I personally don’t see a need for duos. Solos, and then a larger team mode like 6 players.