7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
That's probably one of the dumbest arguments i ve seen in a long time here. You are aware that are people who want to play alone in video games and not have any social interaction with anyone...2) This game wont survive without the ability to play Solo/Duo its consider a must 3)there is a tweet from Apex that solo/duo will be implemented
I play it all solo , duo , squad i don't believe what your saying is true for example look at Fortnite all game mode are successful and additional game modes would also be welcoming in Apex Legends ! Any addition to Apex Legends would only make the game more popular , we all should want that 😋
Here's an example of what its like playing Apex Legends as it is, without a premade group.
I just finished a game in which I placed 2nd. Both of my teammates had 0 kills and 278 damage between the two of them. I had 9 kills and 1,700 damage.
I was playing Wraith, dropped multiple portals, they took none of them. The final portal I dropped in the perfect spot to flank the last team who were camping on a roof. I had such good gear from getting 9 kills, I was able to down 2 of them before they could really react to me. I was out of ammo and was killed by the third player on the last enemy team left. When I go to spectate after I died, my two teammates were crouching a few feet from my portal's starting point.
As soon as a good game comes out and the initial discovery of this game wears off, I'll be gone from Apex Legends, along with many others because there is very little support for solo players and the only choice (squad of 3) coupled with a high time to kill and slow character movement speed, makes this game nearly unplayable as a solo. I can't flank very well because all characters move slowly (sprint speed is Blackout's walk speed), and I can't even imagine what its like for so called "noobs" who play solo like I do. It must really suck.
@ragnarokfps wrote:Here's an example of what its like playing Apex Legends as it is, without a premade group.
I just finished a game in which I placed 2nd. Both of my teammates had 0 kills and 278 damage between the two of them. I had 9 kills and 1,700 damage.
I was playing Wraith, dropped multiple portals, they took none of them. The final portal I dropped in the perfect spot to flank the last team who were camping on a roof. I had such good gear from getting 9 kills, I was able to down 2 of them before they could really react to me. I was out of ammo and was killed by the third player on the last enemy team left. When I go to spectate after I died, my two teammates were crouching a few feet from my portal's starting point.
What the hell is up with you? Did you ever try Counter Strike? Guess what, same story there. Team game. Don't have people to play with - move on.
Not to mention that your description heavily implies that you expect your teammates to be able to read your mind.
@ragnarokfps wrote:As soon as a good game comes out and the initial discovery of this game wears off, I'll be gone from Apex Legends, along with many others because there is very little support for solo players and the only choice (squad of 3) coupled with a high time to kill and slow character movement speed, makes this game nearly unplayable as a solo. I can't flank very well because all characters move slowly (sprint speed is Blackout's walk speed), and I can't even imagine what its like for so called "noobs" who play solo like I do. It must really suck.
Yes, Respawn must be terrified of your threats. All the players that can't play as a team will leave their team-based game, what a surprise. Why are you still here? Personally, I'm still waiting for you to tell me what are those "very good reasons why almost all professional game rules set team sizes to 4"?
#199 >>
"I just finished a game in which I placed 2nd. Both of my teammates had 0 kills and 278 damage between the two of them. I had 9 kills and 1,700 damage.
I was playing Wraith, dropped multiple portals, they took none of them. The final portal I dropped in the perfect spot to flank the last team who were camping on a roof. I had such good gear from getting 9 kills, I was able to down 2 of them before they could really react to me. I was out of ammo and was killed by the third player on the last enemy team left. When I go to spectate after I died, my two teammates were crouching a few feet from my portal's starting point."
It sounds like you wouldn't be a fan of Overwatch, then?
Nobody likes having to baby new players, but we also all started somewhere. If you got on mic and explained to them that you're dropping a portal, and what that means, they won't make that mistake in the future. Yes, there are some absolute deadbeat gamers out there, but they are few and far between.
I have no love for Solo Queue but I can see the appeal of it for some, despite being against the unnecessary workload that would be required to implement it (there are team-oriented mechanics in the game which will need reworking for balance and quality of life). Apex is a team game first, and you shouldn't quit because they aren't appealing to your personal preference. Sure, it all may wear thin, but APEX is still the most solid AAA title I've played in a long time, and because of that there is plenty of opportunity for a more skilled player to outplay two or perhaps even three other players completely by themself.
Ultimately, you should add anyone good that you end up queuing with so that you can continue to enjoy the game. That's what most solo players do in squad/team-oriented games.